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<br />03/28/2005.13:39 FAX <br /> <br />Ii!J 004/005 <br /> <br />NAMED INSURED: Gordon &. Williams General Contractors Inc. COMMERCIAL GENERAL LIABILITY <br />POLICY NUMBER: DTC04061B40STILOS <br />THIS ENDORSEMENT CHANGES THE POLICY. PLEAl~E READ IT CAREFULLY <br /> <br />BLANKET ADDITIONAL INSURED <br />(CONTRACTORS) <br /> <br />This endorsement modifies insurance provided under the following: <br /> <br />COMMERCIAL GENERAL LIABILITY COVERAGE PART <br />COMMERCIAL GENERAL LIABILITY - CONTRACTORS COVERAGE PART <br /> <br />1. WHO IS AN INSURED - (Section II) Is amended c) This Insurance does not apply to "bodily In- <br />to include any person or organization you are re- jury" or -property damage" caused by "your <br />quired to Indude as an additional Insurad on this work" Included in the "products-completed <br />policy by a written contract or wrillen agreement operations hazard" unless you are required to <br />In effect during this policy period and signed and provide such coverage for the additional In- <br />executed by you prior to the loss for which cover- sured by a wriUen contract or written agree- <br />age Is sought. The person or organization does ment in effect during this policy period and <br />not qualify as an addltlonallnsured with respect to signed and executed by you prior to the 108S <br />the Independent acts or omissions of such person for which coverage is sought and then only <br />or organization. The parson or organization is for the perloel' of time required by such con- <br />only an additional Insured with respect 10 liability tract or egreement and in no event beyond <br />caused by "your work" for that additional insured. the expiration date of the policy. <br /> <br />2. The Insurance provided to the addllionallnsured 3. Subpart (1)(a) of the Pollution exclusion under <br />is limited as follows: Paragraph 2., exclusions of Bodily Injury and <br />a) In the event that the limits of liability slated in Property Demage Liability Coverage (Section 1 - <br />the polley exceed the limits of liability required Coverages) does not apply to you if the "bodily <br />by a writtan contract or written agreement in Injury" or "property damage" arilies out of "your <br />effect during this policy period end signed and work" performed on premises which are owned or <br />executed by you prior to the loss for which rented by the addltlonal Insured at the time "your <br />coverage Is sought, the Insurance provided work" Is performed. <br />by this endoraement shell be limited to the 4. Any coverage provided by this endorsement to an <br />limits of liability required by such contract or addillonal Insured shall be excess over any other <br />agreement This endorsement shall not in- valid and collectible insuranca available to the <br />crease the limits stated in Section III - LIMITS additional Insured whether primary. excess, con- <br />OF INSURANCE. tlngent or on any other basiS unless a written <br />b) The insuranca provided to the additional In- contract or written agreement In effect during this <br />sured does not apply to "bodily Injury", "prop- pOlicy period and signed and executed by you <br />llrty damage", "personal injury" or "advertising prior to the loss for which coverage Is sought <br />injury" arising out of an architect's, enginaer's speclftcally requires that this Insurance apply on a <br />or surveyor's rendering of or failure to render primary or non-conllibutory basis. When this In- <br />any professional services including: surance is primary and there is other insurence <br />available to thl:! additlonal insured from any <br />I. The preparing, approving or failing to source, we will share with that other Insurance by <br />prepare or approve maps, shop drewings, the method described in the policy, <br />opinions, reports, survey", field orders. <br />change orders. or drawings and specifl- 5. As a condition of coverage, each additional <br />cations; and insured must: <br /> <br />II. Supervisory or Inspection activities per- a,) Give us prompt wrillen notice of any "occur- <br />formed as part of Bny related architectural rence" or offense which may result in a claim <br />or engineering activities. and prompt written notice of "suif. <br /> <br />(\TI'~Lj \/ <br /> <br />AS T() }-<'Of(.I'/l <br /> <br />CO D2 4$ 10 02 <br /> <br />Copyright, The Travelers Inde~ity Company, 2002 ~3!j;-' Page 1 of 2 <br /> <br />Lanra St.itt :)'1.ccdy <br />As::;istc,ilt City Attorney <br />