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<br />first unless terminated earlier as provided for in Paragraph 4 below. AGENCY <br />must submit all Project requests for reimbursement to DISTRICT within sixty (60) <br />days of completion of project deliverables. Failure to meet the project completion <br />deadline will result in forfeiture of Cooperative Projects Program funding, <br />provided, however, that in the event that AGENCY is unable to complete the <br />Project within the term required herein due to unforeseen or unavoidable <br />circumstances, or by mutual agreement by both AGENCY and DISTRICT. <br />DISTRICT may extend the term of this Contract for an additional period of up to <br />18 months subject to approval by DISTRICT's General Manager. Such <br />extension shall be made only by written agreement signed by both parties hereto. <br />Any extensions beyond 18 months may be approved only by DISTRICT's Board <br />of Directors. <br /> <br />4. TERMINATION - In the event that any party fails to comply with any term or <br />condition of this Contract, or fails to provide the services in the manner agreed <br />upon by the parties, including, but not limited to, the requirements as set forth in <br />Exhibit A, and Exhibit "C" (Project Milestone Schedule), attached hereto and by <br />reference made a part of this Contract, the failure shall constitute a material <br />breach of this Contract. The non-breaching party shall have the sole and <br />exclusive option either to notify the breaching party that it must cure this breach <br />within 15 days or provide written notification of its intention to terminate this <br />Contract upon 30 days written notice. Notification shall be provided in the <br />manner set forth in Paragraph 21 below. Termination shall not be the exclusive <br />remedy of the non-breaching party. The non-breaching party shall have the right <br />to seek any and all remedies provided by law. DISTRICT reserves the right to <br />terminate this Contract without cause and shall reimburse AGENCY for actual <br />costs incurred in performance of this Contract through the effective date of <br />termination if DISTRICT terminates this Contract without cause. DISTRICT may <br />terminate this Contract at any time, without cause, upon giving AGENCY 30 days <br />written notice. <br /> <br />5. INSURANCE - Prior to the start of this Contract, AGENCY shall furnish evidence <br />of standard form of commercial or comprehensive general liability insurance with <br />a combined single limit per occurrence (general and automotive) of One Million <br />Dollars ($1,000,000.00). AGENCY shall maintain such coverage during the term <br />of this Contract and any extensions thereof. Subject to notice to and approval of <br />DISTRICT, Agency may fulfill its insurance obligations through one of the <br />following: (i) self-insurance; (Ii) by providing coverage through a joint powers <br />insurance authority (JPIA), which is duly formed under the laws of the State of <br />California; or (ili) utilizing a combination of self-insurance and JPIA coverage. <br />AGENCY shall require any Contractor performing services funded by this <br />Contract to also provide evidence of standard form commercial or <br />comprehensive general liability insurance for any Project requiring work to be <br />performed in a public right-of-way. The policy shall have a combined single limit <br />of Two Million Dollars ($2,000,000.00) per occurrence for bodily injury, including <br />death, personal injury, property damage, and products liability, with Five Million <br />Dollars ($5,000,000.00) general policy aggregate; or, alternatively Two Million <br />Dollars ($2,000,000.00) aggregate separate for this Contract. AGENCY shall <br />require its contractor to maintain such coverage during the duration of its Project <br />work. DISTRICT shall be named as an additional insured by endorsement to <br />each liability policy referred to herein and each policy shall require thirty (30) <br />