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<br />sewers were constructed in or before 1960 or meet one or more of the <br />following criteria: <br /> <br />(1) Pipe material must be clay tile or glazed clay, asbestos cement, <br />uncoated concrete, or Orangeburg; <br /> <br />(2) Joint configuration with high risk (i.e., high inflow/infiltration <br />potential) must be hand mortared, packed joint with oakum- <br />asphaltic materials, jute, or other hand packed materials; and <br /> <br />(3) Other high-risk materials must be approved by the DISTRICT <br />before the AGENCY commences work. <br /> <br />(4) Sewers are located in high groundwater or in areas which show <br />evidence of high infiltration as determined from the DISTRICT's <br />long-term flow monitoring. <br /> <br />E. For closed circuit television monitoring ("CCTV") projects, the <br />methodology of evaluation, data collection, and reporting criteria used for <br />the National Association of Sewer Service Companies NASSCO <br />certification shall be practiced for all CCTV evaluations. A structural pipe <br />rating for each sewer segment shall be assigned using the NASSCO <br />PACP condition grading system. <br /> <br />F. Additional Cooperative Projects Program Funds will not be available to <br />fund Project cost overruns. Any Project cost overruns must be funded <br />from other than the Cooperative Projects Program. <br /> <br />G. The Firm Fixed Price amount shall not exceed 50% of the total <br />Cooperative Projects Program funds applied to the Project as set forth in <br />Exhibit A. Exhibit "B" (Project Cost Breakdown), and Exhibit C, attached <br />hereto and by reference made a part of this Contract. <br /> <br />H. If, at the completion of the Project described in Exhibit A, the actual <br />amount of Cooperative Projects Program Funds utilized in performance of <br />the Project is less than the amount described in Exhibit B, the Firm Fixed <br />Price amount reimbursed by DISTRICT to AGENCY shall not exceed <br />50% of the total Project cost. <br /> <br />8. COMPLIANCE WITH APPLICABLE LAWS - AGENCY shall comply with all <br />federal, state, and local laws, ordinances, codes, and regulations and orders of <br />public authorities in the performance of this Contract. In any contract that <br />Agency issues to carry out the Project, Agency shall include a provision that <br />requires the contractor and any of its subcontractors to comply with all federal, <br />state, and local laws, ordinances, codes, and regulations and orders of public <br />authorities in the performance of this Contract. <br /> <br />9. EMPLOYEES OF AGENCY <br /> <br />A. With regard to Project work, AGENCY shall be responsible for the cost of <br />compensation to its employees, including but not limited to vacation <br />