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<br />County of Orange <br /> <br />September 30, 2005 <br /> <br />While some 30 years of research have not established EMF as a health hazard, some health authorities <br />have identified magnetic field exposures as a possible human carcinogen. Many of the questions about <br />specific diseases have been successfully resolved due to an aggressive international research program. <br />However, potentially important public health questions remain about whether there is a link between <br />EMF exposures in homes or work and some diseases including childhood leukemia and a variety of <br />other adult diseases (e.g. adult cancers and miscarriages). While scientific research is continuing on a <br />wide range of questions relating to exposures at both work and in our communities, a quick resolution of <br />the remaining scientific uncertainties is not expected. <br /> <br />Since you plan to enter SCE's right of way that is in close proximity to SCE's electric facilities, SCE <br />wants to share with you and those who may enter the property under this letter, the information <br />available about EMF. Accordingly, SCE has attached to this document a brochure that explains some <br />basic facts about EMF and that describes SCE's policy on EMF. SCE also encourages you to obtain <br />other information as needed to assist you in understanding the EMF issues with respect to your planned <br />use of this right of way. <br /> <br />It is the County of Orange's responsibility during construction and the City of Santa Ana thereafter, to <br />determine if the consent of any other party owning an interest in the property is required and to obtain <br />such consent prior to engaging in any activity permitted hereby on the property. <br /> <br />We would appreciate the project completion date inserted in the space provided below. <br /> <br />Please have County of Orange and the City of Santa Ana sign and date the enclosed copy of this letter, <br />thereby indicating acceptance of the above conditions, and return the signed copy to this office using the <br />enclosed envelope. <br /> <br />As previously indicated, it is necessary that the use of the land within an operating high voltage <br />transmission line right of way be closely coordinated. For this reason, it will be necessary for SCE to <br />assume your project has been either delayed or cancelled in the event the copy of this letter has not been <br />signed and returned within sixty (60) days from the date of this letter. Should this occur, any consent <br />granted or implied is voided without further notice in order to protect our rights and facilities. If the <br />project is subsequendy reactivated, please contact SCE again prior to the start of any construction, <br />referencing our CRE file number. We will then work together with you to ensure the project is <br />coordinated so as to avoid interference with SCE installations and operations. <br /> <br />6 <br />