<br />COJmty of Orange
<br />
<br />September 30, 2005
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<br />AUTHORITY: This permit is issued subject to General Order No. 69-C of the Public Utilities
<br />Commission of the State of California dated and effective July 10, 1985, incorporated herein by this
<br />reference. Permittee agrees to comply with all applicable federal, state, and local laws and regulations.
<br />
<br />1. Permittee agrees that any equipment used on the Premises shall be used so as to maintain a
<br />minimum clearance of five (5) feet from all SCE structures and a minimum clearance of twenty
<br />five (25) feet from all overhead electrical conductors located on said Premises.
<br />
<br />2. Permittee shall provide SCE with adequate access to all of SCE's facilities and at no time is there
<br />to be any interference with the free movement of SCE's equipment and materials.
<br />
<br />3. Permittee will not park, repair or refuel, or permit to be parked, repaired or refueled, any vehicles
<br />or mechanized equipment within the Premises.
<br />
<br />4. Permittee agrees to lock or close any fences or gates at end of work day and during nonuse of the
<br />Premises.
<br />
<br />5. Upon termination of this permit the Permittee agrees to restore the premises to a condition as
<br />close as possible to that when they entered upon the Premises.
<br />
<br />6. No buildings, structures, or accumulation of flammable or combustible materials or explosives
<br />shall be permitted on the Premises.
<br />
<br />7. Permitree shall not engage in, or permit any other party to engage in, any activity on the Premises
<br />that violates any federal, state or local laws, rules or regulations pertaining to hazardous, toxic or
<br />infectious materials and/or waste ("Hazardous Materials"). Permittee shall comply with all
<br />applicable federal, state, and local laws, rules, and regulations pertaining to disclosure of
<br />Hazardous Materials. Permittee shall comply with all applicable federal, state, or local laws, rules,
<br />and regulations pertaining to the storage and/ or discharge of Hazardous Materials. Permittee shall
<br />indemnify and hold SCE, its directors, officers, agents and employees and its successors and
<br />assigns harmless from any and all claims, loss, damage, actions, causes of actions, expenses and/or
<br />liability arising from leaks of, spills of, releases of, and/or contamination by or from Hazardous
<br />Materials as defined by applicable laws, rules or regulations, which arise during or after the Permit
<br />term, and are atttibutable to the actions of, or failure to act by, Permitree or any person claiming
<br />under Permittee.
<br />
<br />8. There are numerous sources of power frequency electtic and magneric field ("EMF"), including
<br />household or building wiring, electtical appliances and electric power transmission and disttibution
<br />facilities. There have been numerous scientific studies about the potential health effects of EMF.
<br />Interest in a potential link between long-term exposures to EMF and certain diseases is based on
<br />the combinarion of this scientific research and public concerns.
<br />
<br />While some 30 years of research have not yet established EMF as a health hazard, some health
<br />authoriries have identified magnetic field exposures as a possible human carcinogen. Many of the
<br />questions about specific diseases have been successfully resolved due to an aggressive international
<br />research program. However, potentially important health questions remain about whether there is
<br />a link between EMF exposures in homes or work and some diseases including childhood leukemia
<br />and a variety of other adult diseases (e.g. adult cancers and miscarriages). While scientific research
<br />is continuing on a wide range of questions relating to exposures at both work and in our
<br />communities, a quick resolution of the remaining scientific uncertainties is not expected.
<br />
<br />Since Permittee plans to use or otherwise enter SCE's property that is in close proximity to SCE's
<br />electtic facilities, SeE wants to share with Permittee and those who may enter the Premises under
<br />this agreement, the information available about EMF. Accordingly, SCE has attached to this
<br />document a brochure that explains some basic facts about EMF and that describes SCE's policy
<br />on EMF. SCE also encourages you to obtain other information as needed to assist you in
<br />understanding the EMF issues with respect to your planned use of the Premises.
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