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collaborated and partnered with in the past, with whom we are able to leverage resources and <br />receive services at a discounted rate. All grant funds will be utilized to administer and <br />implement all facets of the programs as indicated by the Program Budget Sheet. The paint and <br />repair improvements will make it safer for our homeowners to continue in their homes thus <br />allowing them to live on their own and independently in the comfort of their home and familiar <br />surroundings for as long as possible. <br />Due to Paint Your Heart Out's limited scope of services (i.e. exterior painting and minor exterior <br />repair for qualified homeowners, no rentals, leases, sales, nor rental assistance) HUD housing <br />quality standards does not apply, nor do Attachment 2, Attachment 5. <br />Schedule of Performance <br />Estimate the number of unduplicated Santa Ana residents to be served during the 12-month <br />contract period per quarter: <br />Quarter 1: July 1 -September 30 <br />Quarter 2: October 1 -December 31 <br />Quarter 3: January 1 -March 31 <br />Quarter 4: April 1 -June 30 <br />0 Households <br />0 Households <br />0 Households <br />30-35 Households <br />Total 30-35 Households <br />Invoicint Schedule <br />Estimate the amount of grant funds to be requested during the 12-month contract period on a <br />quarterly basis <br />Quarter 1: July 1 -September 30 $6,980.00 <br />Quarter 2: October 1 -December 31 $10,467.00 <br />Quarter 3: January 1 -March 31 $29,367.00 <br />Quarter 4: April 1 -June 30 $44,978.00 <br />Total $91,792.00 <br />EXHIBIT A <br />