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Federal Register/Vol. 64, .8/Wednesday, September 15, 199! r and Regulations 50231 <br /> Dale: Street and dty <br />' ~ Organization: _ State: _ ZIP: _ Phone number. ~~ <br /> Street and city. <br /> Appendix D-Sample Hazard <br /> State: _ ZIP: _ Phone number: (_, Reduction Completion Notice Forma[ <br /> Nolc The following appendix will not <br /> Appendix C-Sample Summary appear in the Code oC Federal Regulations. <br /> Presumption Notice Fot-mat - Summary Nonce of Completion of Lead- <br /> Appendix B-Sample Sttmmary Risk <br />Note: The following appendix wi11 not Based Paint 1{azard Reduction Activity <br /> Assessment Notice Format appear in the Code of Federal Regulations Addrus/ltxatiorl'Bf property or swdure(s) <br /> Note This following appendix wilt not Notice That Lead-Based Paint or Lead-Based this summary rotice applies to: <br /> appear inihe Code of Federal Regutatiorss paint ]iazards pro presumed to be Present <br /> Stmtnwy Notice of teal-Based Paint Risk Address/Iootion of property or srtuaure(s) <br /> Assessment <br />Address location of property or structure(s) this nonce of presumption applies to: <br />Summary of the hazard reduction activity. <br /> this summary nonce applies to: Start and completion date(s): <br /> Activity locations and types. Ilu at least the <br /> Type of presumption (check all that apply): hawing emit numbers and common areas (ftx <br /> (a) ,Lead-based paint is presumed to be multifamily Iwusittg). bare soil lncauotts. <br /> tee-based t risk assessment desai s <br />l~ <br />~ present dun-lead loratioru, and/or building <br /> Date(s) of t <br />Wt assessment lb) _ Lead-based paint hazard(s) Is(are) cornponems (Including type of room or <br /> Stanmary oCrisk assessrttent rrurlts (dick preseuned to be present space. and the material untiemeath the <br /> all that apply): Stmunazy of presumption. liu az least the paint). and types oC hazard redution <br /> (a) _ No lead-based patr# hazards were housing uNt numbers and common areas (for activities performed az tite lootiorss listed: <br /> found multifamily houslttg), bare soil lootioru, <br /> (b) _ Lead-based paint hazards were dust-lead locatioru, and/or building <br /> found. components (indud6tg type of loom w <br /> (e) _. A brMtsuntmary oC the findings of space, and the material underneath the <br /> the rLsk assessment is provided blow paint). and types of lead-based paint hazards <br /> (requbed Y arty lead-based paint ttamrtis presumed to be present <br /> were fotmiQ. <br />Date(s) of dearartce testbtg and/or soil <br /> Stmunary ~ types and locations o[ lead- - <br /> <br />. based pairK hazards. List at least the housing Lor ti u of building components with lead- <br /> urdt nturtbe[s and contmwt areas (for <br />multifamlly housing). bare soil locations, based palm remaining in the rooms. spaces <br /> <br />dust-lead locauorts and/or building or areas where activities were conducted: <br /> components (utduding type of room or <br /> span, and the material urxMirteath the <br /> paint). and types of lead-based paint hazards - <br /> touttd <br /> Summary of results of dearance testing and <br /> soil analyses: <br /> (a) ^ No clearance testing was <br /> performed. <br /> - (b) _ Clearance testing showed <br /> clearance was atltleved <br /> (c) _ Cltatarxe testing showed dearaoce <br /> Contatt person for more information about was not achieved <br /> the presumption Corttau person for mae information abom <br /> Printed name the hazard reduction: <br /> Printed name: <br /> lhg:mizauon Cganization: <br />. Contact. person Ctx Hare information about Street and dry. <br />- ~ the risk assessment Street and dry. S~-, yam; <br /> Printed name: Phone number. (_,~ - <br /> State: ~ ZIP: _ Phone number. (_) Person who prepared this summary notice: <br /> Organization Printed name: <br /> Person who prepared this nonce of <br />- Signature: <br /> Sweet and dry. presumption: Date: <br /> Printed name: Organization <br /> State: _ 21P: _ phone number. (_, Street and dty. <br /> Signature: Scare: gyp: <br /> Person who prepared this sutntltary notice: Date: _ Phone ntunber. ( <br />, <br /> Printed name: _ <br /> Organization lFR Doc 99-23016 Filed 9-14-99: 8:95 amj <br />. Signature: - otttx+c coos azto-az-r <br />Ana~k~tEt,~f- 3 <br />