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<br />03/''1;./2005 O..!;.!5~ PM _........'... <br /> <br />_......_~=.-..:ac... <br /> <br />~ <br /> <br />City Of San~a Ana - Finance <br /> <br />1140.475.14 <br /> <br />3,5 <br /> <br />,.--~..:",,,._"=,,,,= ---.- .-.. ~ -.,...._~'--.,.,...,.....r-.........,.~__,:."'~._ <br /> <br />PROCEDURES "OR PROVISION OF EOUlPMRNT FACII.ITIF.~ Al\1>IOR SERVICES: <br /> <br />a. R~IUests for eq"ipllle1J~ facilities and/or lraiaing, cilher wriwm. oral, or by e~mail, may be addre.\.<ed 10 <br />M, Lori L Tedrow (812-854-5641: emaiI;lalrow_lori@crane.DJlvy.nU!) or Mr. Darin S. Holder <br />(812-854.5727: email: Wrillen requests should be addressed as follows: <br /> <br />COmmander <br />Cooe 805E, Bldg. 3291 <br />NA VSURFWARC\.lNDIV <br />300 Hi!;hway 361 <br />Crane, IN 47522 <br /> <br />b. Up In approv.1l of the request for the loan of cquipmen~ an auThorized ollieial of the law enforcement ugeney shall <br />exceute a NA VStlRFWARCENDIV Cnue Equipment CuSlody Documenr. The custodial document shall include the <br />chi" of receipt and ,.."""led "'lunJ dole rOTlh. cquipmoor. !he IUIIIll! of the official signing out and relurning the <br />C<)"ipmcnt, 1110 office IOlophoao DUmber of the ofI'ieiaI, agreement 1I111l\ber, equipmeot S.rial number, and amnunl of <br />fun jilJg rcceivod. <br /> <br />e. Pal menl for 1M provision of equipment and/or services shall be made by cbcclc CO : <br /> <br />Commander <br />Cod. 805E. Bldg. 3291 <br />NA VSURFW ARCHNDrv <br />300 Highway 361 <br />Crme, IN 47522 <br /> <br />d. Eq"ipmentprovidcd under lIIis agreemcntmaybcrcpaired.Teplaced byNA VStJRFWARCENDIV Crane al its <br />dis<:renoD, inclusive of assessttJeOl of 8IIy eosts. duriuglhe Imn of the agreemeot if failure of Operation is caused by <br />oth" than normal use, Reqoesls for same IIlaY be made CO Ms. Tedrowor Mr. HoMer. All wrillcn requcsts should <br />be .\ddtessed as feUows: <br /> <br />Colll!llllllda <br />C""" 8051', Rldg 3291, L Tedrow <br />NA VSURFW ARCENnlV <br />300 HWY 361 <br />Crane,lN 47522 <br /> <br />In replaeclllOllt sce"arios, aIllransaelions will be documen1z:d in the l!quipJ1lCDt Cuslody DOCUIDellt indicating a serial <br />number fer seriaJ _ber CJdlangc. ConsidentillD fur exchanges of equipmenl that rau. ID pert,,,,,, during normal <br />use is ineluded in the agr..."."t fee and is Ihcmfon: DOl subject CO additional costs. SlaWlocaJ law enforcemenl <br />agencies will not r=ivc eoll$identioo Or ~"" for any pctiod eflime during thc agreement that C<)uipment <br />she uld fail or become inoperable. <br /> <br />e. Th" receil'l. cransponanon and mum of aU C<)uipment i, the sole re.'J>O"'ibililY of lhe requesting ,'t1lc11ocallaw <br />cobreellle", ageoey who.JutJl dcsignaae in writing areprescnrative authorized 10 receive, transport eq Uipme.nllO and <br />frn n NA VSURFWARCEND!V Cnue,lD1dTelunlsame. Jiquipment 10 be repaired/replaced will be delivered hy <br />'1' ~":'::"\A1 NAV,""""""..",,,,,,.. ~ / , <br /> <br /> <br />~PitKt-- BY:" $A. rd'):;_:VIn /-7 t(M(5(A'E. <br /> <br />(Sign.." -.:J (Sign.lllre: ~..ting Agee"" dfticial) <br />Comm.amler <br />Crace D ;visioo. :-laval Surf.lcr: W.arf.are CeDia' <br /> <br />$67: ~/1-rJ rPU.O <br /> <br />- <br /> <br />(Printed\r.: &.Datc) <br /> <br />1;.-z..';-01 <br /> <br />2 <br /> <br />