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11A - 1900 NORTH MAIN
Agenda Packets / Staff Reports
City Council (2004 - Present)
11A - 1900 NORTH MAIN
Entry Properties
Last modified
1/3/2012 4:50:57 PM
Creation date
10/12/2005 12:34:42 PM
City Clerk
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Agenda Packet
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<br />of Orange, State of California, or in the Federal District Court in the Central District of <br />California, Southern Division. <br /> <br />8. ENCUMBRANCES AND RELEASES ON PROPERTY. <br /> <br />8.1 Discretion to Encumber. This Agreement shall not prevent or limit <br />Owner, in any manner, at Owner's sole discretion, from encumbering the Property or any portion <br />of the Property or any improvement on the Property by any mortgage, deed of trust, or other <br />security device (or any number of them) securing financing with respect to the Property or its <br />improvement (any such encumbrance, a "Mortgage"). <br /> <br />8.2' Entitlement to Written Notice of Default. The mortgagee of a mortgage <br />or beneficiary of a deed of trust encumbering the Property or any part thereof and their successors <br />and assigns ("Mortgagee") shall, upon written request to the City, be entitled to receive from the <br />City written notification of any Owner Event of Default. <br /> <br />8.3 Performance of Covenants. The Mortgagee shall have the right, but no <br />obligation, to perform any term, covenant or condition and to remedy any Owner Event of <br />Default hereunder within the time periods specified herein, and the City shall accept such <br />performance with the same force and effect as if furnished by the Owner; provided, however, that <br />said Mortgagee shall not thereby or hereby be subrogated to the rights ofthe City. <br /> <br />8.4 Default by the Owner. In the event of an Owner Event of Default that <br />has not been cured by the Owner or as to which there is no cure period hereunder, the City agrees <br />not to terminate this Agreement (1) unless and until the City provides written notice of such <br />default to any Mortgagee and such Mortgagee shall have failed to cure such Owner Event of <br />Default within ninety business days after the later of delivery of such notice or expiration of any <br />applicable Owner cure period, and (2) as long as: <br /> <br />(a) In the case of an Owner Event of Default that cannot practicably be <br />cured by the Mortgagee without taking possession ofthe Property (which defaults shall not <br />include defaults "not susceptible of being cured" as defined below), (x) the Mortgagee has <br />delivered to the City, prior to the date on which the City shall be entitled to give notice of <br />termination, a written instrument wherein the Mortgagee unconditionally agrees that (subject to <br />such delays as may be incident to obtaining a relief from stay in the case of a <br />bankruptcy/dissolution event) it will commence and diligently pursue cure of such Owner Event <br />of Default promptly following its obtaining possession and; (y) said Mortgagee shall proceed <br />diligently to obtain possession of the Property (including possession by receiver) (subject to such <br />delays as may be incident to obtaining a relief from stay in the case of a bankruptcy/dissolution <br />event) and, upon obtaining such possession, shall proceed diligently to cure such Owner Event of <br />Default; and <br /> <br />(b) In the case of an Owner Event of Default that is not susceptible to <br />being cured by the Mortgagee, the Mortgagee shall institute foreclosure proceedings and <br />diligently prosecute the same to completion (subject to such delays as may be incident to <br />obtaining a relief from stay in the case of a bankruptcy/dissolution event) (unless in the meantime <br />it shall acquire the Owner's right, title and interest hereunder, either in its own name or through a <br /> <br />16 <br />11 A-33 <br />
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