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NS-2699 - Creating Specific Development District (SD-79) for Property Located at 1900 North Main Street
2000 - 2010 (NS-2416-2812)
2005 (NS-2674 - NS-2706)
NS-2699 - Creating Specific Development District (SD-79) for Property Located at 1900 North Main Street
Entry Properties
Last modified
7/18/2016 2:59:49 PM
Creation date
10/26/2005 11:46:26 AM
City Clerk
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ORDINANCE NO. NS -2699 <br />AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF <br />SANTA ANA CREATING SPECIFIC DEVELOPMENT DISTRICT <br />(SD -79) FOR PROPERTY LOCATED AT 1900 NORTH MAIN <br />STREET <br />THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF SANTA ANA DOES ORDAIN AS FOLLOWS: <br />Section 1. The City Council of the City of Santa Ana does hereby find, determine <br />and declare as follows: <br />A. Applicant is requesting approval of various entitlements in order to construct the <br />Cordoba for -sale condominium and live -work project, with ancillary retail space. <br />B. The project would demolish the existing surface parking lot for the Bowers <br />Museum and develop the property into a mixed use residential /commercial <br />project. The project would provide 45 for -sale residential units at a gross overall <br />density of 40 dwelling units per acre. The housing mix for the project would <br />consist of lofts, townhouses, and stacked flats. Additionally the first floor of the <br />building fronting Main Street would provide live /work flex space that would allow <br />up to 4,251 square feet of retail area and 2,312 square feet of restaurant uses. <br />It is envisioned that commercial areas in the project would consist of uses such <br />as restaurant, coffee shop, hair salon, wine gallery and professional offices. <br />C. The project would be comprised of two residential buildings with a maximum <br />building height of approximately 47 -feet. Along Main Street, the two buildings <br />would consist of three- and four -story heights to define a strong urban edge. <br />Extending west, the building would transition to two -story house -like forms near <br />the western boundary of the project site. <br />D. A series of four courtyards would connect the buildings on the project site. The <br />courtyard areas would consist of a variety of hardscape materials such as tile, <br />brick, cobblestone and flagstone paving. Additionally, the courtyard areas <br />would be accented with a variety of landscape materials including trees, shrubs <br />and vines. Courtyard amenities would include community fireplaces and fire <br />pits, fountains, building, built -in benches, and potted plants. <br />E. A total of 102 parking spaces would be provided in a subterranean parking <br />garage below the two buildings, with access to be provided from 20th Street. <br />F. On September 12, 2005, the Planning Commission held a duly noticed public <br />hearing and voted by a vote of 5:0 (Nalle absent) to recommend that the City <br />Council: <br />1. Approve and adopt the Mitigated Negative Declaration and Mitigation <br />Monitoring Program, Environmental Review No. 2005 -18. <br />2. Adopt an ordinance approving Amendment Application No. 2005 -07. <br />Ordinance NS -2699 <br />Page 1 of 13 <br />
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