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NS-2699 - Creating Specific Development District (SD-79) for Property Located at 1900 North Main Street
2000 - 2010 (NS-2416-2812)
2005 (NS-2674 - NS-2706)
NS-2699 - Creating Specific Development District (SD-79) for Property Located at 1900 North Main Street
Entry Properties
Last modified
7/18/2016 2:59:49 PM
Creation date
10/26/2005 11:46:26 AM
City Clerk
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Section 6. Development Standards <br />A. Building Height. <br />All on -site structures will be subject to a height limitation of 48 feet above <br />ground level, which is defined as the vertical distance measured from the <br />curb level to the highest point of the roof surface. The maximum height for <br />structures within 50 feet of the western property line shall be 32 feet. <br />B. Setbacks. <br />1. Front (Main Street) <br />A minimum three feet (3') to the first building element or structure as <br />measured from the property line. Entry steps to residential units may <br />encroach into this setback area in order to provide a transition between <br />public and private spaces. <br />2. Side (Twentieth Street) <br />A minimum six feet three inches (6'3 ") to the first building element or <br />structure as measured from the property line. Entry steps to residential <br />units may encroach into this setback area in order to provide a <br />transition between public and private spaces. <br />3. Side (Nineteenth Street) <br />A minimum five feet one inch (5'1 ") to the first building element or <br />structure as measured from the property line. Entry steps to residential <br />units may encroach into this setback area in order to provide a <br />transition between public and private spaces. <br />4. Rear (West Property Line) <br />A minimum setback of five (5) feet as measured from the property line. <br />C. Minimum Unit Size <br />The minimum square footage for a residential unit is 982 square feet <br />excluding flex or commercial space. <br />D. Parking <br />1. All parking shall be subterranean. <br />2. Dwelling units shall be provided with two assigned parking spaces per <br />unit, which assigned spaces shall be sold and conveyed as a part of <br />each residential condominium unit. <br />3. Each live -work unit shall provide 1 employee /customer parking space. <br />4. In addition to the minimum requirements of subsections D.1., D.2. and <br />D.3. of this section, each multiple - family dwelling project shall provide <br />guest parking, identified as such, in an amount of spaces not less than <br />ten (10) percent of the minimum required spaces under subsections <br />D2. and D.3. of this section. <br />Ordinance NS -2699 <br />4 Page 9 of 13 <br />
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