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<br />(LR-7) designation on the General Plan and are otherwise <br />consistent with all other Elements of the General Plan. <br /> <br />The proposed project is consistent with the Low Density <br />Residential General Plan land use designation (LR-7) and its <br />density. In addition, the proposed residential development <br />promotes the goals and policies of the General Plan Housing <br />and Land Use Elements. The project provides infill housing, <br />increases the housing stock, and preserves the character <br />and integrity of the surrounding residential neighborhoods. <br />The project is not located within any specific plan area of the <br />city. <br /> <br />2. The proposed project, as conditioned, conforms to all applicable <br />requirements of the zoning and subdivision codes as well as other <br />applicable city ordinances. <br /> <br />The proposed project meets the letter and intent of the State <br />of California Subdivision Map Act and conforms to Chapters <br />34 and 41 of the Santa Ana Municipal Code, which pertain to <br />the subdivision and development standards for the site. <br />Additionally, the project will conform to other applicable <br />codes and city ordinances as identified during the Site Plan <br />Review process (DP No. 2005-13). Covenants, Conditions <br />and Restrictions (CC&Rs) are required for the project, which <br />need to be approved by the City prior to the City Council <br />approval of the final map. <br /> <br />3. The project site is physically suitable for the type and density of the <br />proposed project. <br /> <br />The proposed site consists of approximately nine acres of <br />land within the Specific Development No. 77 (SD-77) zoning <br />district. Access to the site will occur from Farmers Drive and <br />Flower Street. Since the topography of the site is flat and <br />the minimum lot size for a single family residential parcel is <br />6,000 square feet, the site has been determined to be <br />physically suitable for a residential development at the <br />proposed six dwelling units per acre density since there are <br />no physical constraints on the site to preclude development. <br /> <br />4. The design and improvements of the proposed project will not <br />cause substantial environmental damage or substantially and <br />avoidable injure fish or wild life or their habitat. <br /> <br />An environmental impact report was prepared for the project <br />pursuant to the California Environmental Quality Act. The <br />project site is located in an urbanized area and was <br />previously developed. There are no known fish or wildlife <br />populations existing on the site. Therefore, the proposed <br /> <br />Resolution No. 2005-108 <br />Page 2 of 11 <br />