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Orange County Conservation Coips and Youthbuild <br />Santa Ana Workforce Investment Board <br />Request for Proposal <br />The Youth Service Provider Network <br />PY 2005/2006 <br />The OCCC serves al] youth not just W1A eligible youth. For the FY 2004-OS just <br />completed, the OCCC served a total of 389 youth county-wide including 134 Santa Ana <br />youth. Less than 35% of the Santa Ana youth were served using WIA funds. These Santa <br />Ana youth were recruited and served through 4 OCCC funding sources; <br />• Santa AnaWlA, <br />• Federal Empowerment Zone (FEZ), <br />• OCCC/HUD Youthbuild, and <br />• OCCC contracts for those not meeting eligibility for the above 3 contracts. <br />To meet these contract demands the OCCC employs a variety of recruitment strategies. <br />On the May 2005 survey referenced above, corpsmembers were asked to list all the ways <br />they have heazd or learned about the OCCC and listed the following; friends (36), <br />counselors (3), Probation (] 6), walk-ins (4), job fairs (4), flyers (7), family (9), recruited <br />(2), and other (3). In addition to the normal recruitment strategies of job fairs, partner <br />networks, and presentations to and referrals from local groups and organizations, the <br />OCCC employs "street outreach" to recruit out-of-school youth. Street outreach involves <br />handing out flyers and interacting with youth where youth "hang out" in Santa Ana such <br />as parks, malls, food courts, week-end community events, and sometimes walking local <br />neighborhoods. Historically the OCCC's most effective recruitment strategy has been <br />referrals from former and current corpsmembers, their family, and friends. <br />Two full-time OCCC staff will be responsible for recruiting Santa Ana youth. The <br />OCCC Corpsmember Recruiter is responsible for recruiting for all OCCC programs and <br />will allocate a portion of his time to recruiting Santa Ana youth. The OCCC Program <br />Specialist (case manager) assigned to the Santa Ana WIA contract will be responsible for <br />ensuring enrollment goals are met and will also allocate a portion of his time to <br />recruitment. Selected Santa Ana corpsmembers will be trained to accompany staff and <br />provide "peer recruitment" to assist staff with street outreach and help organize and <br />manage OCCC booths at the various Santa Ana job fairs and community events. Other <br />OCCC staff may also provide recruitment through ongoing collaborations and <br />networking with other agencies county-wide. The OCCC participates in more than 20 <br />community events each year and attends a variety of ongoing partner meetings with <br />various agencies county-wide. Therefore any staff member attending a meeting with <br />other agencies or provider networks (i.e. Corrections, Probation, Social Services Agency) <br />in other parts of the county will be recruiting for all OCCC programs including Santa <br />Ana WIA. It is not uncommon to get a referral from someone who attended an event or <br />meeting outside of Santa Ana but passes the information on to family/friends/co-workers <br />that live in Santa Ana. <br />Indicate which of the 10 WIA elements the program will address. <br />The OCCC program design provides 9 of the10 WIA elements: <br />• Tutoring, study skills training, and instruction leading to completion of secondary <br />school, including drop-out strategies; <br />• Alternative secondary school services; <br />Page 4 of 22 <br />