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Orange County Conservation Corps and Youthbuild <br />Santa Ana Workforce Investment Board <br />Request for Proposal <br />The Youth Service Provider Network <br />PY 2005/2006 <br />OCCC Crew Supervisor. The OCCC Crew Supervisor works Monday-Thursday with <br />corpsmembers to complete assigned work projects. OCCC charter school teachers also <br />interact with corpsmembers on a daily basis as they attend class five days a week, <br />Monday-Friday. Week-end work/school activities are scheduled as needed and <br />appropriate. The OCCC Program Specialist (case manager) meets weekly if not daily to <br />monitor progress towards the corpsmember's Individual Service Strategy, and other <br />work/school/personal issues that may arise. Other OCCC staff or interns meet with <br />corpsmembers as needed for specialized trainings, workshops, or individualized follow <br />up regarding work/schooUpersonal issues that may arise. <br />Goals/Objectives/and Performance Levels <br />How many WIA youth with the program serve this year? <br />The OCCC will serve a minimum of 23 WIA youth for PY 2005-06. As WIA youth exit <br />the program during the year for various reasons, the OCCC will recruit and enroll <br />additional W lA youth as allocated funds permit adding additional participants. The <br />OCCC has the ability and capacity to enroll additional WIA youth as additional WIA <br />funding becomes available. <br />Which WIA~o2ram element will~u o(ler? <br />The OCCC will offer 9 of the10 WIA program elements/services to youth during PY <br />2005-06: <br />• Tutoring, study skills training, and instruction leading to completion of secondary <br />school, including drop-out strategies; <br />• Alternative secondary school services; <br />• Paid and unpaid work experience; <br />• Occupational skill training; <br />• Leadership development opportunities; <br />• Supportive services; <br />• Adult mentoring; <br />• Follow up services for a minimum of 12 months after completion; <br />• Referrals far comprehensive guidance and counseling. <br />The OCCC is an open entry and open exit, yeaz round program that normally takes 6 <br />months to a year to complete. While youth maybe hired during the summer, the OCCC <br />does not technically offer the remaining WIA element -summer employment <br />opportunities. <br />How wzll service(s) be deemed necessary? <br />The OCCC wit] use a variety of documents/forms/activities to provide an objective <br />assessment of participants to ensure service(s) aze necessary. Staff will assess the <br />individual participant's WIA eligibility, work readiness, suitability for program, <br />employability, and individual academic/service needs leading to the development of an <br />Individual Service Strategy upon enrollment in WIA. OCCC Program Specialists (case <br />Page 9 of 22 <br />