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Orange County Conservation Corps and Youthbuild <br />Santa Ana Workforce Investment Board <br />Request for Proposal <br />The Youth Service Provider Network <br />PY 2005/2006 <br />interview, individual needs and goals, and sample work. Those youth not WIA <br />eligible maybe hired to work on other non-WIA OCCC work projects. <br />How wrll recruiment be coordinated with program activities? <br />As an open entry and open exit program, the OCCC has ongoing recruitment and <br />orientation to coordinate recruitment with program activities. Once a corpsmember has <br />completed the interview process and is accepted for employment, the corpsmember is <br />scheduled for a two week paid orientation by OCCC staff. The OCCC schedules as least <br />one corpsmember orientation a month and may schedule two orientations a month as <br />needed based on the number of corpsmembers needed to be hired that month for the <br />various OCCC work programs. <br />The two week paid orientation prepares corpsmembers for working at the OCCC. <br />Cotpsmembers review the corpsmember handbook which contains all the necessary labor <br />law regulations, policies, and procedures needed to work in Califomia and for the OCCC <br />(i.e. monthly work/school evaluations, call in & leave of absence procedures, <br />corpsmember pay scale and promotions, attendance, grievance procedures, Drug/Alcohol <br />Free Workplace, etc.). Corpsmembers also complete the necessary personnellwork <br />documents and forms not gathered during the interview process. Corpsmembers without <br />a high school diploma complete education files/forms needed to enroll in the OCCC <br />charter school. Staff explain and introduce corpsmembers to the various programs and <br />services available and provided by the OCCC (i.e. food bank, scholarships, support <br />services, additional workshops and trainings available, bonus plan, etc.). WIA and other <br />grant/program specific information and files are completed during orientation. All <br />corpsmembers develop an individual education and service plan (WIA Individual Service <br />Strategy) during orientation. Various trainings are provided during orientation to ensure <br />corpsmembers are prepared to work on OCCC work crews (i.e. CPR/First Aid, safe work <br />practices, proper tool use, and team building activities, etc.). Corpsmembers must pass <br />orientation before being assigned to an OCCC work crew. Those corpsmembers who do <br />not pass maybe scheduled to attend one additional orientation based on individual <br />circumstances for failing orientation. Corpsmembers who fail two orientations will not be <br />considered for hire by the OCCC and will be referred to the Santa Ana WORK Center or <br />other youth serving agencies in the Santa Ana Provider Network for employment <br />opportunities and/or other needed services identified during the OCCC hiring process. <br />During the interview process and orientation, corpsmembers are mentored by staff and <br />provided strategies to successfully complete orientation. Staff also mentor and provide <br />strategies to corpsmembers while at the OCCC to maintain their employment, school <br />attendance, and ensure corpsmembers make progress towards their employment and <br />education goals. <br />How will current cervices meet the needs oche WIA performance.rtandards? <br />As an employer, the OCCC program design teaches youth how to work and go to school. <br />The OCCC follows all applicable labor and charter school laws, regulations, policies and <br />procedures Califomia employers and charter schools must follow. In order to remain <br />employed by the OCCC, corpsmembers must follow and abide by OCCC policies and <br />Page 1 I of 22 <br />