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Orange County Conservation Corps and Youthbuild <br />Santa Ana Workforce Investment Board <br />Request for Proposal <br />The Youth Service Provider Network <br />PY 2005/2006 <br />passes and helps to arrange car pools to assist corpsmembers with transportation <br />issues. <br />What are your hours o(aperation? <br />The OCCC offices are open Monday -Thursday from 7:00 am to 5:00 pm and Friday <br />from 8:00 am to noon. Week-end and evening hours to be arranged depending on <br />scheduled events and activities. <br />How has the o~ eanization assured that the location is a safe and vouth friendly <br />environment? <br />The OCCC conducts regular inspections to ensure our building is safe and complies with <br />all Workers Compensation, fire, and safety measures for the workplace. The OCCC <br />maintains a safety committee that has the responsibility for ensuring the OCCC is in <br />compliance with all safety training and issues regarding the workplace. <br />The OCCC ensures a youth friendly environment by soliciting corpsmember input <br />through a corpsmember suggestion box, the corpsmember council, community meetings <br />with staff and corpsmembers, and ensuring corpsmembers are involved with the various <br />planning sessions, strategic plans, and Boazd meetings. Since corpsmembers are co- <br />workers as well as W IA youth, they are very involved in providing input to make sure the <br />OCCC is youth friendly. <br />About Your Organization <br />Description of the Proposer <br />Hox long has vour or¢anization been serving Santa Ana vouth? <br />The OCCC has been serving Santa Ana youth for the last seven years. <br />What kind o1'imDact has vour services made to the vouch in the community? <br />Santa Ana corpsmembers have: <br />• Graduated with a high school diploma from the OCCC charter school; <br />• Eamed scholarships for post-secondary instruction; <br />• Transitioned to full time employment, gone on to advanced training, and/or are <br />attending some form ofpost-secondary instruction; <br />• Volunteered and participated in numerous Santa Ana community events; <br />neighborhood clean-ups, Youth Expo, chazity events, etc. <br />• Participated at the local and state level to represent youth; Santa Ana Youth <br />Council, CWA state conference, local and regional WIB meetings, local youth <br />forums; <br />• Visited local legislators in Sacramento to advocate for youth. <br />The OCCC has: <br />• Hired and employed more than 300 Santa Ana youth the last 4 years; <br />Page ] 8 of 22 <br />