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Taller San Jose 11
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Taller San Jose 11
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Last modified
7/23/2015 10:44:45 AM
Creation date
1/9/2006 3:19:46 PM
Company Name
Taller San Jose
Contract #
Community Development
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<br />Main Purpose of Program <br />Taller San Jose (St. Joseph's Workshop) has one focused mission - to provide continuing <br />education and job-training to young adults (18-28) who seek a productive and self-reliant <br />jilfure. <br /> <br />Sponsored by the Sisters ofSt. Joseph of Orange, Taller San Jose (TSJ) was established in 1995 <br />in response to the high rate of crime and gang violence among Santa Ana's youth and the lack of <br />resources available to youth who had either dropped out of school or been incarcerated. Young <br />people in Santa Ana, who have not completed high school, who have no defined job skills, and <br />who have criminal records face a number of significant obstacles. TSJ addresses these barriers <br />through intensive classroom instruction, hands-on training, and effective adult mentoring to <br />reduce barriers to employment or academic achievement. <br /> <br />TSJ is a highly focused, goal-oriented program that challenges its students to build a foundation <br />for future sustainability. Through its intensive job-training efforts in construction, information <br />technology and medical careers, youth acquire essential hands-on skills while learning how to <br />adhere to basic employment principles such as: showing up on-time and as scheduled, working <br />as a team member to complete assignments, keeping work areas clean, safely using all tools and <br />equipment, and properly filling out time cards. The goal is to assist youth to become <br />economically self-sufficient in a relatively short period of time through intensive hands-on job <br />training coupled with employability and social development. <br /> <br />Job-training at TSJ takes place over a IS to 22 week period depending on the program. During <br />their job-training, youth participate in work related training four days a week and are provided <br />opporhmities for completing a high school diploma, tutoring, and extra work hours one <br />additional day each week. Participants in the program are paid $7.00 per hour and receive <br />certification upon completion of the program. Youth are required to meet the following <br />qualifications to participate in training: <br /> <br />. Between the ages of 18-28 years of age <br />. Right to work documents <br />. Ability read English at a 6th grade level (technology program only) <br />. Pass a pre-hire drug screen <br /> <br />There are 14 full-time and two part-time staff members available to youth enrolled at TSJ. Staff <br />members work with each youth on a daily basis to provide support services, instruction, and <br />mentoring . <br /> <br />Goals/Objectives and Performance Levels <br />The primary purpose ofTSJ is to provide a means of self-reliance to out-of-school youth through <br />structured on the job training and work experience. Over the course of the next year, TSJ will <br />recruit 20 youth. This will be accomplished through active recruitment efforts, interviewing, <br />assessment, and effective job-training. Like many other community-based organizations, TSJ <br />actively recruits students through continuous community outreach. Our records show that 65% <br />of all students are refened by either current or past participants of TSJ programs. Referrals to <br /> <br />2 <br />
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