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<br />Section 5. Subject to approval as to form by the Authority Attomey, the <br />Chairman, Vice Chairman or Executive Director of the Authority, and each of them, ""'" <br />acting alone, is hereby authorized and empowered to execute by manual or facsimile <br />signature the Escrow Agreement, and the Secretary of the Authority is authorized to <br />attest thereto, with such changes and insertions therein as may be necessary to cause <br />the same to carry out the intent of this Resolution and as are approved by counsel to <br />the Authority, such approval to be conclusively evidenced by the delivery thereof. <br /> <br />Section 6. Subject to approval as to form by the Authority Attorney, the <br />Chairman, Vice Chairman or Executive Director of the Authority, and each of them, <br />acting alone, is hereby authorized and empowered to execute by manual or facsimile <br />signature the Compliance Agreement, and the Secretary of the Authority is authorized <br />to attest thereto, with such changes and insertions therein as may be necessary to <br />cause the same to carry out the intent of this Resolution and as are approved by <br />counsel to the Authority, such approval to be conclusively evidenced by the delivery <br />thereof. <br /> <br />Section 7 Subject to approval as to form by the Authority Attorney, the <br />Chairman, Vice Chairman or Executive Director of the Authority, and each of them, <br />acting alone, is hereby authorized and empowered to execute by manual or facsimile <br />signature the Tax Regulatory Agreement, and the Secretary of the Authority is <br />authorized to attest thereto, with such changes and insertions therein as may be <br />necessary to cause the same to carry out the intent of this Resolution and' as are <br />approved by counsel to the Authority, such approval to be conclusively evidenced by ""'" <br />the delivery thereof. <br /> <br />Section 8 The execution and delivery of the Loan Agreement, the Escrow <br />Agreement, the Compliance Agreement and the Tax Regulatory Agreement by the <br />Authority shall be subject to the receipt by the Authority of CIDFAC's approval of the <br />Project in accordance with the Act. <br /> <br />Section 9 Repayment of the principal of, premium, if any, and the interest on, <br />the loan from the Lender to the Authority shall be made solely from the revenues to be <br />received by the Authority from the Borrower pursuant to the Loan Agreement, and the <br />loan from the Lender shall not be deemed to constitute a debt or liability of the State or <br />any agency or instrumentality thereof other than the Authority. The loan from the <br />Lender to the Authority and the Loan shall be payable on the dates and in the amounts <br />and shall bear interest at the rate or rates set forth in the Loan Agreement. In no event <br />shall the rate of interest on the loan from the Lender to the Authority and the Loan <br />exceed twelve percent (12%) per annum or the maximum rate permitted by law. <br /> <br />Section 10. Subject to approval as to form by the Authority Attorney, the <br />Chairman, Vice Chairman or Executive Director of the Authority, and each of them, acting <br />alone, is hereby authorized to execute all documents, certificates and instruments <br />necessary or appropriate to this transaction and the borrowing of moneys from the Lender <br />and Loan to the Borrower. ""'" <br /> <br />IDA Resolution No. 2000-003 <br />Page 4 of 5 <br />