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<br />JHI'~-1.~-20D6 0B:55 <br /> <br />!'IHRSH R I 51< Hi'~D I NSURHNCE <br /> <br />949 399 2712 <br /> <br />P.02 <br /> <br />POLICY NUMBER COMMERCIAL GENERAL LIABILITY #72ECSOAI987 <br />CLA-V AL,INC.,CJUSWOLD INDl1STJllES <br /> <br />THIS ENDORSEMENT CHANGES THE pOLley. PLEASE READJT CAREFULLY <br /> <br />ADDITIONAL INSURED - VENDORS <br /> <br />ThIS endorsement modifies insurance provided under the following: <br /> <br />COMMERCIAL GENERAL LIABILITY COVERAGE PART <br />P~ODUCTS/COMPLETED OPERATIONS UABIUTY COVERAGE PART <br /> <br />SCHEDULE <br /> <br />Name of' Petson or' Organization-The City. of' Santft. Ana;Z6- 'Ci"i~' (!enter PI92a,' .sant~ <br />Ana, Ca 9270.1; Its officers, cmJ'loyees, agents, volunteers ami representatives 'lire named <br />as additional insureds with regard to liabilIty and defense of suits arising from the' <br />&perations .and us~,~rfl>>',jUedJlYor.on behalfoftbenamed insured. <br /> <br />With , performed bv or on behalf <br />1lf the Damed insured, such insurance as isafrorded by tbis policy is prjm~ry JUld is not <br />additional to or contributing with any other insurance carried'by-or forthe'beu@frtof- <br />the additional insureds. <br /> <br />This insurance a~pHes separately to each insured against whom claim IS made or suit <br />brought eli:cept with respect to tbe company's limits of liability. The inclusion of any <br />personor,o.gan-ization,as.aninsllredshallllOt :>frect any right whicb such person Or <br />W'ganizatiouW&llklbave ,asadaimlUlt nnot 50 included. <br /> <br />(If no .entry. ap~<ibov.e" Information required to complete this endorsement will be shDwn in tre <br />Declarahons as applicable to this endorsement.) <br /> <br />WHO .IS .AN . INSURED, (SECTION II) is amended to include as an insured any person or organization <br />(referred to below as a vendor) shown in the Scheduie, but only with respect 10 "bodily injury" or <br />"pwperty damage". arising out of "your products" shown in the Schedule which are distributed or sold in <br />the regular course of the vendor's business, subject to Ihe follOWing exclusions: <br /> <br />1.. The .inSU!anc.e.. afforded.. the__'lsndor, does. ,not <br />apply to: <br />a "Bodily injury" or "property damage" for which <br />the inslJr.ed js obii9a1;~d..tb pay aamaj1es by <br />reasonafthe a.s$umpllol'l of liability in a <br />contrBct 1)r ..agreement. This exclusion does not <br />app_ly, to liability for damages that the insured <br />would have in the absence of the contract j>r <br />awe-ement; . <br />b, Any .express W8!ranlYlinauthorized1>y you; <br />r;:; Af1y~hy~ieal Qr ch9mical change in the product <br />made inle.n1iO:.nally by the vendor; <br />d. Repacka!lirg, unle9s unpack9d lilolelyfor the <br /> jnspeclion.demonstra!ion~ ,teeing. <br />Of th~ 9Yb~titl,ltion of parts under instructions <br /> <br />from the manufacturtlf, and then repackaged in <br />the original container; " <br />e, Any lailureto make suCh Inspe-ctions. <br />actjustmen"u;; 'tests 'Or 'serJleing '8S ,the .v~ <br /> <br />~n~0 <br />