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<br />WHO IS AN INSURED (Section II) is amend to include as an insured: any person, organization, <br />trustee, estate or Governmental entity to whom or to which you are obligated, by virtue of a written <br />contract or by the issuance or existence of a permit, to provide insurance such as is afforded by this <br />policy, but only with respect to operations performed by you or on you behalf or to facilities used by you <br />and then only for the limits of liability specified in such contract, but in no event for limits of liability in <br />excess of the applicable limits of liability of this policy: provided that such person, organization, trustee <br />estate or Governmental entity shall be an Insured only with respect to occurrences taking place after <br />such written contract has been executed or such permit has been issued. <br /> <br />It's agreed that any insurance maintained by the County of Orange will apply in excess of and <br />not contribute with insurance provided by this policy <br />