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Proposal to Prepare an EIR and Provide Planning Consulting Services for the <br />First and Fourth Street Corridors Mixed -Use Overlov Zone <br />The EIR will provide an introductory discussion of the air pollutants of concern in the region, summarize <br />local and regional air quality, describe pertinent characteristics of the air basin, and provide an overview <br />of the physical conditions affecting pollutant buildup and dispersion in the City. The setting will also <br />discuss the sources, types, and health effects of air pollutants. The air quality section of the EIR will <br />also describe any intersections and roadways that might be affected by increased traffic due to <br />implementation of the proposed project. The project's construction and operational emissions and odor <br />impacts will be assessed, including local ambient CO impacts. This analysis will include the following <br />components: <br />■ Construction Emissions. The construction emissions analysis will be based on the project <br />description, information submitted by the traffic consultant, and the modeling techniques and <br />significance criteria recommended by the SCAQMD. The analysis will considerthe limitations of <br />the City's Building and Safety requirements and provide any necessary recommendations for <br />minimizing emissions of dust or other pollutants (i.e., asbestos) from construction activities; <br />■ Operational Emissions. Estimates of mobile source emissions associated with operation of the <br />project will be prepared using appropriate land use information, traffic study information, and <br />SCAQMD significance criteria. Based on estimated project -generated vehicle trips described in <br />the traffic study prepared for the EIR, vehicular emissions of carbon monoxide, ozone <br />precursors (reactive organic gases and oxides of nitrogen), and small particulate matter (PM10) <br />will be predicted and quantified using EMFAC emission factors and the California Air Resources <br />Boards URBEMIS 2002 software, which will then be compared to the SCAQMD significance <br />thresholds. The criteria pollutant emissions from future stationary sources will also be estimated <br />in the same manner, <br />■ Local Ambient CO Impacts. The potential of project -related motor vehicle trips to cause localized <br />carbon monoxide "hot spots"will be evaluated. For intersections in the immediate projectvicinity <br />that are subject to the most severe project -induced traffic congestion, localized concentrations of <br />carbon monoxide (CO) will be quantified at those locations. Local CO concentrations will be <br />modeled at up to four intersections to be selected in coordination with City staff and the City's <br />transportation consultant using the CALINE-4 program. The analysis will be based on guidance <br />published by the Institute of Transportation Studies and available peak hour traffic and <br />intersection geometry data; and <br />■ Odor Impacts. An analysis of whether the project would create objectionable odors affecting a <br />substantial number of people will be included in the EIR. <br />Potential conflicts with or potential to obstruct implementation of the applicable air quality plan where it <br />may cause or contribute to emission of identified air pollutants in excess of levels stated in the plan or <br />where it may fail to implement a remedial or mitigation measure required under the plan will be <br />analyzed. <br />Cumulative net increase of criteria pollutants for which the project region is in non -attainment will be <br />analyzed to determine if the project emissions, considered cumulatively, will increase the level of any <br />criteria pollutant above the existing ambient level. <br />Biological Resources. <br />It is assumed that the project has been largely, if not fully, disturbed as the result of previous <br />development activities and consists primarily of hardscape. Little, if any, native vegetation exists, and it <br />is assumed that no sensitive species or habitats would be located on-site. However, there are street <br />trees throughout the area, and, to the extent that these trees are removed as part of the proposed <br />0 <br />