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<br />AUI-IS-Dl D4:21po Fr..-AON RISK SERVICES +2021571057 I-S44 P.D3/03 F-ID4 <br />AItlICbmtol lOACOKPl:er1ifitatctilrchri.<ma. in lIpul - Orang.. COL ' <br />.' 11'= tIlnns. condilio.. and provisions Dl\.. ..,>cI.,..... hcrd>y """"hcd II> the <llpQon.d cottlJlclto<. oddlliona. dtscri"""n of Ill< <br />cow... dfOlde<l b)' 'h.I....-er(s) This JIlI&lI'''''11 <laos '"'' contain all ,en".. condi,ion., """'-- or ....I...ions OOllloiDl:I\ in ,hc <br />poiie)'. <br />- <br /> <br />INSUltEl< <br /> <br />Cht~$~' 1A Ap~~1 . O'AAge ~o~n~y <br />PO BOk SlOee. <br />Irvine CA 92619 USA <br /> <br />INSURER <br /> <br />INSURER <br /> <br />n.SURER <br /> <br />IN'U"~'" <br /> <br />Ad4~~cnal Ins~r,d tn4Drl.~.nt For C~re1al Geft.,~ ~~~~1~~ fa!~cy <br /> <br />lns~r~ce CompAn~ <br /> <br />ConClnunt.l In~urlnc. c~any <br /> <br />Th~s 8nao~sem~n~ moa~t~~~ ~uen In'~'&nce as 11 AffQrd~Q cy tnc ~rov18~On$ ot pollet' GLl 71636924 <br />l:iliU;~.(l.~ toO ~n, iO.l.J.o\llng! <br /> <br />1. Tne C1~) or Sanea Ana, 20 CLV1C Center Pl.l~. S.A~. ~a, Cal~io€n~~ 92701: lt~ OlrlC.~I~ <br />emp.1.o11i:~:t. callco.'ts. vollolfttc..?ta tlnQ ~'p..$.n't.a.'tJ.~S Are nallltlo .. IiQd:p;:Qnal .l.nsl.I:J:ea.:. l"aCIt2Lt::1.0na.J. :c.n.$I-4;.d$" J <br />wlth tegatd to ..&b\~~~Y .na a_tens. of ~ult' a~~..n9 tfom ~n. o~r6~.l.On~ ARQ u~~, p.,fo~~~ cy or on <br />benlf of ~he n~a Ln~ur~d. <br /> <br />2. w~~n re~pecL LC c14im~ ar1'~Aq O~~ of ~h. opwr4tionS and ~ses petfo&meG by or on ~ebal! or tAe <br />named. lIUlu..I."ed. ..!.Oct. .nlL1".nce .s ~.1I Clofforclf:Q I>;r tl'\;l,1 pol.1.C'::( +s pr1mi1r:r Gnd .l,s tlo'[ .3;CUI~t..1.Qp...l 1;0 or <br />con~"~D~~~^q W1~n an1 oLh.r ~n~~r~Jce CA~t~.d bY o~ tor ~n~ D~n~tlt ot tftt .Q01tl0n~1 1nSL1r~a~. <br />3. Th.1.S Lnll1.t&l)Ce appl1.... sap4ratel)' ~Q ...en _g&.lnal; wnom c:1Alm ..., Iflt,a. or 5illt. 1.1 prC\19'II~ <br /> <br />~UDJeC~ LO cne comp.ny'~ l1m1.t.S of 1~Gb.l.1LLf. <br />ICampleL~on of LhQ fol1oY.lng, .lncl~a.lnQ COunte~S.lgnaL~re. 15 requ.lrea LO maKe LnlS 6n~orsemen~ <br />IiffeC:l:~ve. J <br /> <br />Errt-ct.J.voc: Al.lgloL.1Il: 16, 2DOl, LD1S ..ndOl'awmalt term a~.i {)"'r't or <br />Pol.J.c}' , Gi,.l 7"1EiJ6~2.,,4. _ _ ......... _ . <br />ZS...d to __._~,.-.., f__ I')A'>.JJI .' <br />PIl"",eQ In:liiJ,rElD. <br /> <br /> <br />OO"nmHgnoo oy ~ f{)jJ!Ib ' <br />( Au.t die' RepJ:e~fnt'atlVE: <br /> <br />emillnll; N. : <br /> <br />570000565613.0 <br /> <br />AP~~BM <br /> <br />- CRISTINE LEE SHAW <br />O~OlJty City Attorney <br />