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<br />" <br /> <br />NDV-15-21"11"11 1"18: 41"1 FROM: ERIC W CO';" IVERPH D <br />.--.. <br /> <br />7145444996 <br /> <br />"'". <br /> <br />'-' <br /> <br />1 <br /> <br />TO'714 647 6515 <br />'-..I.' <br /> <br />P.1"I1"12'1"I03 <br /> <br />Under Clllif(lfnl' law, "Ileh driver and each owner of II motor vehicle must be able to establish <br />financial r"sponslblllty at all times. One of the Evidence of Liability Insurance cards priMed <br />below must be kept in each vehicle insured under your POliCY for BOdily Injury and Property <br />Damage Liability. We strongly sugge.t that, in addition. each drivel carry Ii card. EaCh card <br />lists all Insured vehicles, drivers, and vehicle Identification numbeu. <br /> <br />Please Cl,Jt c,rds on dolled IiMS. Fold down lhe middle and carry in your wallet. The cards become <br />invalid on the policy e~pira!lon or termination date. They may nol be used as proof of insurance for <br />a driver or vehicle nOl covered under your policy. <br /> <br />Interinlurange Exchange of the <br />AutomobilG Club <br />EVIDENCE OF LIABILITY INSURANCE <br /> <br /> <br />, <br />I NAMEO lNSU~tD <br />: GRUVER, ERIC W AND LINDA 5 <br /> <br />. <br />, ~O"CY NwnA G 9818~~o <br /> <br />: EmCTIVE om O~/ 13/0 I EXPIRATION OATE 04/13/02 <br /> <br />I Th~' POliCY OfOVIDOS iU lout LntI minimum Imounllii Qf liability <br />: insuranCe t8Qllitect by ,1'1. C'- VEH CQr,E $Ee'l'ION I $Q:i~ fQf" ,1'1, <br />I s.oecllied vehicles ~O Aimed Im~u'MS al'\d l'IUIY ~ttlvida eovlr.o. for <br />I otrllr genom; Ind Qrhlr ...eni~I.. (15 llrOYlae~ gV ttlo IMut(lI"lCI17l0IlCy. <br /> <br />If you nave IIn 8CC"ident: <br />GOlltIG names ana acJC1rossas of; <br />. fill ptrSQnO in th, Qth,r ...."hi.:;I,('); <br />_ III pilson, orlMrwi.. irwotved in rhe .ceid,nt. 'or l1i,m!:lIO " <br />p.aeatrianl; <br />- III witi'll'"', <br />O(Jl thD ol'iv8('& Iic(!nao numbtlr 01 me per&OntliJ wM drovt tnG <br />,oll'ltf v6l\itlll(.s), and !l\~ Vllil'liCI6(1) lit....u pl6h~, i/'leludil'lO U'1I1 <br />stale 0/ registrahon. <br />00 no, admit reitloniibility for or diiCUSS me c;i~um5tlanOQ' of <br />the ,t;;c;:kltnr wilh anygne other Il1ln the wli..., gr In ,UU'IQriUICI <br />A.uto Club oI:1.ims represeotative. <br />Da I'IOll1it.Clost! yOUI pOlity limllllo lfIy61'l1l. <br />"""..~lllOly .tlH'" Iny olllm.. .1.,l-U00-672-dZd <br />u-eOO-"ClAIM). 2:.& houtt. day. ., daYI .. w..k. <br />For poll'y c"'al1iO" ClaI11-Boo-sa.-6U1, <br /> <br />- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - <br /> <br /> <br />I.UAvl".url:ftt:.. t:.llt"ha~Q1' 6' the <br />Aut....bll. Club <br />EVIOENCE OF LIABILITY INSURANce <br /> <br />I N-.MEO INsu~EO <br />: GRUVER. ERIC W AND LINDA S <br /> <br />, 'OetCY NUMO.R G 981 B~~o <br /> <br />: EFFEC",VE ~.rE O~/13/0 1 EXPIRATION DATE 0~/13/02 <br /> <br />: policy tlrolllde! lliI tM minimuM M\Our'ltlii 6f liability <br />, in!urlnr;e required by lilt CA VE."l CODE SECTION 16086 for the <br />specified vohlclo$ Gnd n&m8d insured, and may PI'9Vlt;t, c;qv,r'lIil.1Qr <br />, olhQr porion, aM othRr vel1icles '$ provijjed toy tile insurance PGliCY. <br /> <br />If yau hiVe In .ccl~ln'~ <br />Cet !Ile namei and IClorel!U!S or~ <br />- 1111 per,gR6 in ttMI other vehitle(::.); <br />- .11 p,rag... "Ihcrwin involved in rhe 8Gcident. lor o".mglo III <br />t1ft1,&tri,r\,: <br />~ all wilnosses. <br />Gellhe driver's'liI number or the person($) whO drove rP'lo <br />other 'l'ohicIO(S), and the vlnlCls(s) lIeanso pia,.. InCludinO thO <br />&\11' or,tration. <br />Cto not Idmlt rHponllibilily tor or discu&& tho cllcLlmltln-:ol 01 <br />the Iccidlnt .....ith I"yone Olnr.r tl'la,.. thO ptlliC6 or 11'1 ruJtl\o/iucl <br />Auto Club (laiml5 regre~entative. <br />00 not diSCIOSO ~our f)Olicy limitllO iDnyonl. <br />I",mldl.cely ,eport any clalJll to UI 8.t 1.IOD.S72-S24' <br />(1"'OU~.7(:LA!"", 24 hOW". Clay, 1 Cla)'. a wOGk. <br />for pDtiC)' ehllna.l. call 1-800-g2...Gt 4'. <br /> <br />----------------------------.---------.------------------------- <br /> <br />II you hovI an Z1cclt1Gnl: <br />a.l th. Df: <br />. all ~&Qn, in tn. Olhl!H'" v,hi'9le(,); <br />. .11 person. othel'wi..e involved in the 8ccident, for 9xarnplQ as <br />p.d_ttriana: <br />- ell wim.,1508S. <br />Oct the dri\lcrs license numbOf ot rn. p<<:lonW who erov. 1M 1 <br />other vchiclo(s), and the ",ohleto(s) IIconsG pftn., in..I~(iinSllh~ : <br />I lutlll or r.oi IlratiOr\. I <br />I POLICY NUMBER G 9B 18440 00 not admit tlil,pon~ibililY for or discuss Thi cl,eumDlllneoJl 01 I <br />: EFFECTIVe OAT! 04/' 3/01 EXPiRATION DATE 04/13/02 ihu~:C~:~~;~~ :::r~:'~:::6~han the police or an euThotitod : <br /> <br />I Thi$1tOlicy PfQvtQicl.I IU.l1ho mi1'llmum o.moullliS 01 liability DO 1161 dilel6~e 'lOut ~6liey ti""ilt 16 "I'l'yonll. I <br />I (OOui~o~ &y th. CA VEH CODE. S!CTtON 16Cl51 for I.... ImrDltt;llaClllly report any Q."lm 1:'1..... '" 1-1QO.G'1a...u...G : <br />: IpOCllied vsnlcle' and namld inlureds ,nlj may pro\lIC1' coverage for Ct-aOD-&7CLAIM). 24 haur'l D. dA~. 7 day, a. weelie. I <br />, Q1h.... ~er$l;In" ~n~ ol"or ve"'Il;;lol iU pfovidt<l (..y It!. lnil.lrl/'1a JIOII~y. rtClr POl 1",/ Ghlngll, ~.111-800.1J14-81 'I, 1 <br />,_____________________________._______________________-----------1 <br />I ~o..., II you 1l8ve In aggilittnt: <br />I f~' Interinsur8nCID Exchangl Of the Q,t thl n,ml'" .nG' p"rfll30lli 0'; <br />I ~:s9IJ Auiomoblle Club . ..II persons in the veni.ele(s)i <br />: ~"'I"\~ EVIDENCE OF I.IAUll.lYy INSURANCii . all perSOfl8 olherwlse [nvolVeo if' ,,,e oeclamn. fOl' Ixamtlll al <br />pede5trio.n~: <br />. tltl w1rn'$'.'. <br />Gotl ItJe arr..en lictl1lC numtlo( or tho j:lllrjOI)(.&)~-tlp r <br />otller vehiele(s), a ,," ~r:n.,.)" I <br />$late of regi,mUion. " <br />00 not I!dmi[ respon5iDlliry f or d' eire c.. of <br />theaccldlll'ltwitharl Or\ 9Ii~or. r.''-1' .' <br />Al,ltoClubclaims presef'lt_I!'.' I','::: '3HAW <br />00 nOl di&CIO.&8 yout POliCY' lfR.d-n~m'_~' Il"tt:ornev <br />IMmediately reltcut .ny M:Yul.t '-800-612-12.6 <br />U-llOD-67CLAIM). Z" hOUlS. day, 7 dlya. w.,k. <br />For polh:y change., caU1_IOO_92..eU1. <br /> <br /> <br />lnt...lnJurance lixchange of Ihe <br />Automobile Club <br />EVIDENCE OF L1"61L1TY INSURANCE <br /> <br />s <br /> <br />; NAME.D INSURED <br />,GRUVER, ERIC W AND LINDA 5 <br />, <br /> <br />: po"cy NUMa~R G 9818440 <br />I EFFECTIVE O,\TE O~/ 13/0 1 EX~lftATION OATI 04/13/02 <br />I <br />, 'rl,il WlitOy ~u'c;wid.5 It lellllt the rTlImmum amounts 0' liability <br />I insuranoe rElQuir8d Dy the CA veHCOOI SICTION 18056 to, 1M <br />, $J;Jecified v~h~le, CEnci named in,urecJs .en'lO may proviae co~srAgo ror <br />I othilll' per&en& find other v.t1iilf-l", 11.5 provided by th., insurance pOlic)I. <br />, <br /> <br />ITS~ <br />~loli1 <br /> <br />----~----------------------------------------------------------- <br />