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<br />Federal Register/Vol. 64. ~78/Wednesday, September 15. 199( ~ and Regulations 50231 <br /> <br />e <br /> <br />Appendix B-Sample Summary Risk <br />Assessment Notice Format <br /> <br />Note: This following appendix will not <br />appear In the Code of Federal Regulations <br />Summary Notice of Lead-Based Paint RIsk <br />Assessment <br />Addtessllocatlon of property or structure(s) <br />thiS summary notice applies to: <br /> <br />Lead-based paint rlsIt assessment desalptlon: <br />Date(s) of risk assessment: <br />Summary of rlsIt assessment results (check <br />all that apply): <br />(al _ No lead-based paint huards were <br />found. <br />(b) _ Lead-based paint huards were <br />found. <br />(e) _ A brief swnmatY of the ftndlngS of <br />the rlsIt _tis provided below <br />(required If any Iead-based paint hazards <br />were found). <br />Summary of types and locatIonS of lead- . <br />.. besed paint hazards. LIst at least tha houslng <br />.. unit numbers and common oieas (for <br />mulllfam1ly houslns). bare soU \oCatIons. <br />dust-lead locations. anellor buIIdtng <br />ccmponents (including type of room or <br />space. and the materia1 underneath the <br />paInl). and types of lead-based paint huards <br />found: <br /> <br />ContaCt person for more Infonnatlon about <br />the rlsIt assessment: <br />Printed name: <br /> <br />e <br /> <br />OtganlzatIon: <br /> <br />Street and city: <br /> <br />State: _ ZIP: _ Phone number: ~ <br /> <br />Person who prepared this summary notice: <br />PrInted name: <br /> <br />Signature: <br /> <br />Date: <br /> <br />Organization: <br /> <br />Street and city: <br />State: _ ZIP: _ Phone number: L-J <br /> <br />Appendix C-Sample Summary <br />Presumption Notice Format <br /> <br />Note: The following appendix will not <br />appear In the Code of Federal Regulations <br />Notice That Lead-Based Paint or Lead-Based <br />Paint Hazards Are Presumed to be Present <br />Addressllocation of property or structure(s) <br />this notice of presumption applies to: <br /> <br />Type of presumption (check all that apply): <br />(al _ Lead-based paint Is presumed to be <br />present. . <br />(b) _ Lead-based paint hazard(s) Is(are) <br />presumed to be present. <br />SwnmatY of presumption. LIst at least the <br />housing unit numbers and common areas (for <br />multifamily housing). bare soli locations. <br />dust-lead locations. andIor building <br />components (including type of room or <br />space. and tha material underneath the <br />paint). and types oClead-based paint hazards <br />presumed to be present: <br /> <br />Contact person for more Information about <br />the presumption: <br />Printed name: . <br /> <br />Organl%atlon: <br />Street and city: <br />State: _ ZIP: _ Phone number: ~ <br /> <br />Person who prepared this notice of <br />presumption: . <br />PrInted name: <br /> <br />Signature: <br />Date: <br /> <br />Urganlzatlon: <br /> <br />A'lTAC~~ 3, <br /> <br />Street and city: <br />State: _ ZIP: _ Phone number: L-J <br /> <br />Appendix D-Sample Hazard <br />Reduction Completion Notice Format <br /> <br />Note: The following appendix wUl not <br />appear In the Code of Federal Regulations. <br />Summary Notice of Completion of Lead- <br />Based Paint Hazard Reduction Activity <br />Addtessllocatloi!'ef property or structure Is) <br />this swnmatY notice applies to: <br /> <br />Summary of the hazand reduction activity: <br />Start and ccmpletion datels): <br /> <br />Activity locations and types. List at least the <br />housing unit numbers and common areas (for <br />multifamily housing). bare soli locations. <br />dust-lead locations. and/or building <br />ccmponents (including type of room or <br />space. and the material undemeath the <br />paint). and types of hazard reduction <br />activities performed at the locations listed: <br /> <br />Date(s) of clearance testing and/or soil <br />analyses: _ <br />Loca1lons of building ccmponents with lead- <br />based paint remaining In the rooms. spaces <br />or areas where aCtIvities were conducted: <br /> <br />Summary of results of clearance testing and <br />soil analyses: <br />(a) _ No clearance testing was <br />performed. <br />(b) _ Clearance testing showed <br />clearance was achieved- <br />(c) _ Clearance testing showed clearance <br />was not achieved. <br />Contact person for more information about <br />the hazard reduction: <br />PrInted name: <br />Organization: <br />Street and city: <br />State: _ ZIP: <br />Phone number: ~ <br />Person who prepared this swnmatY notice: <br />Printed name: <br />Signature: <br />Date: <br />Organization: <br />Street and city: <br />State: _ ZIP: <br />Phone number: l.-.l <br />(FR Doc. 99-23016 Filed 9-14-99; 8:45 am] <br />8lWNG COOE 421o.4a-P <br />