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MANAGEMENT PARTNERS, INC. (2006 Fire Strategic Plan and Teambuilding)
Contracts / Agreements
INACTIVE CONTRACTS (Originals Destroyed)
MANAGEMENT PARTNERS, INC. (2006 Fire Strategic Plan and Teambuilding)
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Last modified
8/23/2021 12:54:42 PM
Creation date
5/5/2006 2:08:06 PM
Company Name
Management Partners, Inc.
Contract #
Council Approval Date
Insurance Exp Date
Destruction Year
Amends A-2005-295
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MANAGEMENT PARTNERS, INC. (2005 Dispatch Analysis)
\Contracts / Agreements\ INACTIVE CONTRACTS (Originals Destroyed)\M-N (INACTIVE)
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Activity l: Start Project and Review Background Materials <br />We will begin the project with an initial planning session with you. We will review <br />background materials about the department such as existing goals, the department's <br />operating and capital budgets, previous reports prepared about the department, the <br />report on the department's Captains' Symposium, results of the City's recent visioning <br />process and anything else that will help us learn about and understand the Fire <br />Department. <br />Activity 2: Conduct Interviews <br />We will interview each member of the Fire Department's management staff. The <br />opportunity to speak confidentially on an individual basis is an important step to <br />understand individual goals for the planning process. This information sets the stage for <br />goal -setting and teambuilding activities. <br />Activity 3: Facilitate First Workshop <br />The first session will be a combination of visioning and a SWOT (strengths, weaknesses, <br />opportunities, threats) analysis. In this workshop, the Fire Department management staff <br />will identify the values of the department, and begin the process of articulating a vision <br />for it. We will help identify critical success factors to achieve goals. <br />We also will facilitate the process of identifying the strengths, weaknesses, opportunities <br />and threats facing the department. Together, we will do a preliminary prioritization of the <br />issues identified. The information from the SWOT analysis serves as the basis for goal <br />setting. Following the workshop, a subgroup of staff will be asked to draft several vision <br />statements. Management Partners will provide guidance for that staff work. <br />Activity 4: Conduct Focus Groups with Department Employees <br />Following the first workshop, Management Partners will conduct two focus groups of Fire <br />Department employees. The purpose of the focus groups is to solicit opinions about <br />department priorities that need attention. Management Partners will produce aggregated <br />focus group results for the department. <br />Activity 5: Facilitate Second Workshop <br />The second workshop will begin with discussion of the draft vision statements. The <br />intended outcome is reaching preliminary agreement on one vision statement. The <br />remaining portion of the workshop will focus on goal setting. The results of the employee <br />focus groups and the SWOT analysis from the first workshop will be the primary sources <br />of input for this session. <br />Management Partners will plan and facilitate a process through which management staff <br />identifies goals and projects. We suggest that the department establish several multi- <br />year goals, and specific projects to achieve each of the goals. We assist staff in <br />prioritizing projects that fit department resources and are within the scope of its <br />responsibilities. <br />Activity 6. Coordinate Resource Worksheets for Each Goal and Project <br />Because achievement of goals and projects depends in large part on resources <br />available, this activity is crucial. Management Partners will provide a template to the <br />management team to be used to think through resource identification. The template will <br />prompt staff to identify resources needed to carry out priority goals and projects, <br />
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