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<br />H. The City Council desires to add local restrictions in areas where <br />state law regulating sex offenders is silent by prohibiting sex offenders from <br />loitering in areas that are primarily designed for use by, or are primarily used by, <br />children. <br /> <br />I. The City Council further finds that sex offenders pose a high risk of <br />re-offending, and protecting the public from sex offenders is the primary <br />governmental interest of this ordinance. <br /> <br />J. In adopting this ordinance, the City Council does not seek to create <br />anything other than a regulatory scheme designed to protect the public from <br />harm. It is the City Council's goal to be remedial rather than punitive, to exclude <br />sex offenders from small portions of the City and not to punish them. <br /> <br />K. In establishing this regulatory scheme, those sex offenders subject <br />to it shall be provided with clear and unambiguous notice of this ordinance's <br />requirements and the penalties for noncompliance. The City Council finds that <br />timely and direct notice serves to apprise individuals of their responsibilities and <br />to ensure compliance with the regulatory scheme. <br /> <br />L. Nothing in this regulatory scheme is meant to restrict a sex <br />offender's place of residence as long as a sex offender is not engaged in any of <br />the prohibited activities in a restricted area. <br /> <br />M. The City Council finds that the restrictions imposed by this <br />ordinance are narrowly tailored to achieve a compelling governmental interest. <br /> <br />N. The Request for Council Action for this ordinance dated May 1, <br />2006, and the Chief of Police written recommendation dated April 27, 2006, shall <br />by this reference be incorporated herein, and together with this ordinance, any <br />amendments or supplements and the oral testimony before the City Council, <br />shall constitute the findings for this ordinance. <br /> <br />Section 2. Article XII is hereby added to Chapter 10 of the Santa Ana <br />Municipal Code to read in full as follows: <br /> <br />Article XII. Proximity Restrictions for Registered Sex Offenders to <br />Children's Facilities <br /> <br />Section 10-700. <br /> <br />Purpose. <br /> <br />Sex offenders pose a clear threat to the children residing in, or visiting our <br />community. Because convicted sex offenders are more likely than any other type <br />offender to re-offend for another sexual assault, the City Council of the City of <br />Santa Ana desires to impose safety precautions in furtherance of the goal of <br />protecting our children. The purpose of this regulation is to reduce the potential <br /> <br />11A-7 <br />