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21 <br />CITY. The proposed Agreement addresses the potential liabilities to the COUNTY and contains the <br />following provisions: <br />• License to use City Real and Personal Property: Santa Ana PD provides rent-free and adequate office <br />space, furniture and equipment for use by COUNTY staff assigned to W&S Directed Team Site I/H. <br />This property use license will include all repairs, maintenance and fuel for vehicles, at the expense of <br />the CITY. <br />Permission to Use City Vehicles: <br />The CITY supplies owned or leased vehicles to Santa Ana PD and Probation personnel to ride as <br />passengers, or for Probation personnel to drive and operate City vehicles, if necessary while <br />performing W&S Directed Team Site I/II-related duties. Permission for Probation personnel to drive <br />City vehicles is in accordance with the Agreement for Indemnification in the Operation of City <br />Vehicles between the County of Orange and the City of Santa Ana, dated February 9, 1999. <br />Mutual Indemnification: <br />The parties work together as a team. Probation personnel assigned to W&S Directed Team Site UII <br />are based at the Santa Ana PD station. Probation personnel may ride in vehicles supplied by the <br />CITY; Probation personnel may also be asked to drive vehicles as necessary. Santa Ana PD <br />administers the federal grant. A mutual indemnification provision is included in this Agreement, <br />whereby both parties agree to indemnify, defend and hold harmless each other from and against all <br />claims, demands, actions or errors caused by their respective officers, agents, employees, <br />representatives and volunteers in the performance of this Agreement. <br />Request for Retroactive Contract Approval <br />The Probation Department requests approval of the Agreement retroactive to October 1, 2005. <br />Confirmation regarding the approval of the OJP grant extension did not become available to Probation <br />until February 9, 2006. Hence, the Probation Department requests your Honorable Board to ratify the <br />actions performed by the parties after Agreement No. A-2003-273 expired on September 30, 2005 by <br />approving the retroactive contract. These actions were deemed necessary to avoid a gap in the provision <br />of gang violence suppression services. <br />Contingency of Funds, Contract Modification or Termination: <br />The proposed Agreement contains language that will permit immediate reduction or termination of the <br />services due to fiscal non -appropriation, without penalty. Such provision can be triggered if the budget <br />approved by your Honorable Board, State funding, or other appropriations are not forthcoming, or <br />otherwise become limited. Because of the essential nature of this service, the Probation Department <br />believes it is prudent to proceed at this time as recommended. <br />CEQA/NEPA Compliance: <br />The subject project is Categorically Exempt (Class 21) from the provisions of CEQA pursuant to Section <br />15321(b). Activity involves law enforcement activities by a peace officer acting under laws providing <br />criminal sanctions. <br />FINANCIAL IMPACT: <br />N/A <br />Page 3 <br />