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<br />BENTLEY SELECT PROGRAM AGREEMENT <br />General Terms and Conditions <br />(continued) <br /> <br />3. INTEIl.ECIUAL PROPERTY RIGHTS. <br /> <br />3.0 t. TIde; Reservation of Rights. Subscriber acknowledges and agrees that: <br /> <br />(a) The Products, including the Document Sets for each Product, and any information <br />which Subscriber obtains through the SELECf Program or the use of smer Online <br />or any other means of electronic transmission, (onbin proprietary information of <br />Bentley, its licensors or other suppliers, and are protected under United States <br />copyright laws, other applicable copyright laws, other laws relating to the protection <br />of intellectual property, and international treaty provisions; <br /> <br />(b) The entire right, tide and interest in and to the Products, the Document Sets, any <br />infonnation Subscriber obtains through the SELECf Program or the use of SELEer <br />Online or any other means of electronic tr.ll1S1llission, and all associated intellectual <br />property rights, shall remain with Bentley or Its licensors; <br /> <br />(c) The Products are licensed, not sold, and title to each copy of the Products shall remain <br />with Bentley or its licensors, and shall not pass to Subscriber; and <br /> <br />(d) Bentley retains aU rights not expressly granted. <br /> <br />3.02. Source Code. Sub5criber shall have no right hereunder to receive, review, use or <br />otherwise have access to the source code for the Products, <br /> <br />3.03. Copyright Notices. Subscriber shall reproduce and include on all copies of the Products <br />created by Subscriber all copyright notices and proprieury legends of Bentley or its <br />licensors as they appear in or on the original media containing the Products supplied <br />by Bendey. <br /> <br />3-04, Reproduction ofDocu.ment Sets. Subscriber may reproduce the Document Sets for its <br />internal, non-<:ommerdal use only, but the cumulative number of such reproduced <br />Document Sets may not exceed the number of Products licensed by Subscriber that <br />correspond to the Document Sets. <br /> <br />3-05. Reverse Engineering. Subscriber may not decode, reverse engineer, reverse assemble, <br />reverse compile, or otherwise translate the Products or Document Sets except and only to <br />the extent that such activity is expressly permitted by applicable law notwithstanding this <br />limitation.To the extent that Subscriber is expressly permitted by law to undertake any of <br />the activities listed in the previous sentence, Subscriber will not exerdse those rights until <br />it has provided Bendey with thirty GO) days prior written notice of its intent to exercise <br />such rights. <br /> <br />3-06, Proprietary Information. <br /> <br />(a) Subscriber understands and agrees that Bentley may,in connection with the provision <br />of Products and services hereunder, disclose to Subscriber confidentW, proprietary <br />and technical information perraining to Bentley Products and to Bentley's tedmoiogy <br />and business practices (collectively 'Proprietary Information"). Subscriber agrees to <br />treat all Proprietary lnIormation in accordance with this Section 3-06 of Exhibit B. <br /> <br />(b) Subscriber shall maintain the confidentiality of all Proprietary Information. Subscriber <br />shall not reproduce or copy Proprietary Information except as permitted in this <br />Agreement or as may be expressly authorized in writing in advance by Bentley. All <br />such copies shall be marked by Subscriber as proprietary and confidentW information. <br /> <br />(c) Subscriber shall only use Proprietary Information in furtherance of this Agreement, <br />and may disclose Proprietary Information only to those employees required to have <br />knowledge of same to perform their duties pursuant to this Agreement. Subscriber <br />shall not disclose or make Proprietary Information available to any third party at <br />anytime. <br /> <br />(d) Subscriber shall treat Proprietary Information with the same degree of care as it uses <br />to protect its own confidentW information, and in no case less than a reasonable <br />degree of care. <br /> <br />(e) Upon the tennination or non-renewal of this Agreement, Subscriber shall return to <br />Bentley or, if so requested, destroy all Proprietary Information in its possession. <br /> <br />(0 Subscriber shall have no obligation of confidentiality with respect to any Proprietary <br />Information that (i) has entered the public domain other than through a breach of <br />this Agreement, (ll) has been righlfully obtained by Subscriber from a third party <br />with no obligation of confidentiality, or (ill). is previously known by Subscriber as <br />demonstrated by clear and convincing evidence. <br /> <br />(g) Subscriber shall promptly inform Bentley upon knowledge of any actual or potentW <br />unauthorized use or disclosure of the Proprietary Information. <br /> <br />3.07. No Benchmarks. Subscriber may not disclose the results of any Product testing, <br />including but not limited to benchmarks, to any third party without first obtaining <br />Bentley's written consent to do so. <br /> <br />4. llM1TED WARRANTY; UMlTATION OF REMEDIES Ai'ID LIABIIITY. <br /> <br />4.01. limited Warranty to Subscriber. Except for Products licensed under Section 5,02(b), <br />Section 5.02(c) or Section 5.02(d) ofExhibitAhereof,which are provided to Sub5cri ber <br />'AS-IS' and withoUlwarranty of any kind,Bentley hereby warrants for the benefit only of <br />Subscriber that (a) for a period of ninety (90) days ('Warrnrtty Period') from the date of <br />delivery to Subscriber of a Serial Number or Product, as the case may be, the Product <br />shall, under normal use, operate in substantial conformance with the functional <br />specifications set forth in the Document Set applicable to such Product, and (b) fur a <br />period of ninety (90) days from the date of delivery, other products and materials fumished <br />by Bentley to Subscriber shall, under normal use, operate in substantW conformance with <br />the Bentley documentation applicable tosuch products andmaterials.H any modifications, <br />enhancements or changes are made by Subscriber or at Subscriber's direction to the <br />Products; if the Products are reverse-engineered, decompiled or disassembled; or if <br />Subscriber breaches the terms of this Agreemeno, then the warranties in this paragraph <br />shall be immediately terminated This limited warranty gives Subscriber specific legal <br />rights, Subscriber may have other rights which may vary from state/jurisdiction <br />tostate/jurisdiction. <br /> <br />4.02, Exclusion of Warranties. TIlE WARRANTIES STATED IN PARAGRAPH 4.01 ARE <br />BENTLEY'S SOLE AND EXaUSIVE WARRANTIES PERTAINING TO TIlE PRODUcrs, <br />SELECf SUPPORT SERVICES AND OTHER MATERIAIS AND SERVICES UCENSED, <br />DEINERED OR OTIIERWISE FURNISHED BY BENllEY UNDER THLSAGREEMENT. BENnEY <br />DOES NOT WARRANT TIiAT TIlE PRonucrs, SELECT SUPPORT SERVICES, OR ANY <br />OTHER SERVICE OR MATER1AIS WIlL MEET SUBSCRIBER'S REQUIREMENTS, BE FREE <br />FROM VIRUSES OR OPERATE UNINTERRUPTED OR ERROR FREE. BENnEY HEREBY <br />DISClAIMS All OTIIER WARRANTIES EITHER STATIIT'ORY, EXPRESS OR IMl'UED, <br />INClUDING wrmOUT llMITATION, WARRANTIFS AGAINST NON-INFRINGEMENT <br />AND TIlE IMPUED WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITI AND FITNESS FOR A <br />PARTICULAR PURPOSE. TIIESE EXQUSIONS MAY NOT APPLY TO SUBSCRIBER AS <br />SOME STATES!]URJSDlCI10N DO Nor AllOW TIlE EXQUSION OF CERTAIN WAR- <br />RANTIES <br /> <br />4.03. Exclusive Remedy. The entire liability of Bentley and the sole and exclusive remedy of <br />Subscriber shall be, in Bentley's sole and absolute discretion, (i) to repair or replac ea <br />Product or other materials in breach of the foregoing warranties, (it) to advise Subscriber <br />how to achieve the same functionality with the Product as described in the Document Set <br />through a procedure different from that set forth in the Document Set,or(ili) to return the <br />purchase price or fees paid therefore, where wrillen notice of such breach, specifying the <br />defect, is fumished to Bentley during theWarrnrtty Period. Repaired,corrected, or replaced <br />Products and Document Sets shaIlbe covered by this limited warranty for ninety (90) days <br />after the date: (a) of shipment to Subscriber of the repaired or replaced ProduC!S and <br />Document Sets, or (b) Bentley advised Subscriber how to operate th~lroduct5 so as to <br />achieve the functionality described in the Document Sets. <br /> <br />4.04 Exclusion of Damages. IN NO EVENT SHAll. BENTLEY AND ITS UCENSORS AND <br />SUPPUERS BE liABLE TO SUBSCRIBER FOR ANY INDIRECf, INCIDENTAl., SPEOAL OR <br />CONSEQUENTIAL DAi'\1AGFS, REGARDLESS OFTIIE NATURE OFTIIE ClAIM, INUUOING <br />WITHOUT UMITATION LOST PROFITS, COSTS OF DELAY, INTERRUPTION OF BUSINESS, <br />LOSS OF USE, INABILITY TO ACCESS ONLINE SERVICES, ANY FAILURE OF DELIVERY, <br />COSTS OF LOST OR DAMAGED DATA OR DOCUMENTATION, OR UABIUTIESTOTIllRD <br />PARTIES ARISING FROM ANY SOURCE, EVEN IF BENTLEY HAS BEEN ADVISED, KNEW <br />OR SHOULD HAVE KNOWN OF TIlE POSSIBILITY OF SUCH DAMAGES OR ClAIMS. <br />BECAUSE SOME STATESJ]URISDICI10NS DO NOT AllOW FOR TIlE EXQUSION OR <br />UMITATION OF UABlLITY FOR CONSEQUENTIAL OR INCIDENTAL DAMAGES, THE <br />ABOVE UMITATION MAY Nor APPLYTO SUBSCRIBER. <br /> <br />4.05. Disclaimer. Subscriber acknowledges that the Products are not fuult-tolerant and <br />have not been designed, manufactured or intended for use and will not be used in the <br />development of weapons of mass destruction, as on-line control equipment in hazardous <br />environments requiring performance, such as in the operation of nuclear fucilities, <br />aircraft navigation or communication systems, air traffic control, direct life support <br />machines, or weapons systems, in which the failure of the Products could lead directly <br />to death, personal injury, or severe physical or environmental damage. Subscriber further <br />acknowledges that the Products are not substitutes for Subscriber's professional <br />judgment, and accordingly, neither Bentley nor its licensors or suppliers are responsible for <br />Subscriber's use of the Products or the resuIts obtained from such use.The Products are <br />intended only to assist Subscriber in its business, and are not meant to be sub5titutes <br />for Subscriber's independent testing and verification of stress, safety, utility or other <br />design parameters. <br /> <br />7 of 12 <br />