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<br />""'" 'wi <br /> <br />IV. fTATEMENT OF NEED <br /> <br />In Ule space below, please provide the nalurel;llClent of $anti Ana's need for the ~osed <br />program. Provide data that supports unmel demand br tile proposed service, and mclude <br />chal'8Cterlstics of pel1lO1U1 to be seNed (e.g, ege, income le\el. ethnlclty. target area. ather <br />a$tlnguishing characteristiCS). <br /> <br />ThOllWS House is located in the Bnena Clinton areli of Garden Grove, immedia1e1y <br />adjaceot to Sunio Ana. The single \81"gest iJ'QllP cCti!mities served is consistently people whose <br />last permanent address was SantfI Amz. Many 1iuniIies are homeless because of econoIlJic <br />disastelll ~ by R Iacl; of knowledge abont certain life llkills. Thomas House concentrates <br />on improving the cli.ent's lite skills necesll"ry to prevent a recurrence of the homeless condition. <br />We do this by teacbiog nulril:ioD, budgeting, parenting and job skill&, by insisting that they <br />won:. while saving 80% of all monies CIU'JlI:ld, or attend all ~ fi1cility. and by bclpiDg <br />them 1lnd 8 pernIIIlK'JIt resiIk:ooe ~ the family is <;tAhlIi7M. Our seJ1:.hdp progrlIJll reqtdres <br />lhat the cliems .set an overall ptognltll g<tal when they enter the shelter Illld then make weekly <br />action pIaDs dirooted toWlll'd.....:td:ig the overall ~ <br />'l1w1nt1S HOfI8e ~ its ServWes in FYI999IOD and has 14 resideoca with the <br />capability ofhouslng 161iuni1i1lJi at lIIIIY given tiJnc:. AD. oftbe sc:.rvice ~ am ""-iSJ"'d to <br />improve Iffil skills and. thaclbte, to tile probrtbiliJy ofV"""itw a pcrmaneut tr.ansitio:o <br />to independence. Because of the shelter proximity to Sonta Ana, the siDg1e largest bon:eJes.'l <br />group assisted in FY2000I01 by ThomQ$ HOWfi! is fto.m Santo Ana as fOllows: <br />(o) 4866 W~ (3O%qfIPfQ/) (b) 8 hDmelUlfQ1/ltlies (6 $i"g/e parents) <br />, (c) 3D individuall tQtQ/ (10 QduItJ. 20 children) (d) DiverSe Ethnicity (25 Hispl1fllc, 5 Black;) <br />We plan to supply 5;000 bcd-cJa,s of ll8lIist.ance to Santo Ana I'llsidentli in FY2002f()3 whicll <br />will be 27% of our totBl ClIpIlbility. <br /> <br />Jf )OOr organlzallon does not operate Il\ithin fhis citYs boundaries.. please eJIPIain how your <br />program wIllllel'lefit Santa Ana residents. <br /> <br />Historicallv 25 to 30% of all Thomas House <br />clients give Santa Ana as their last permanent <br />address. Our shelter is loea ed immediatel <br />adjacent 0 Santa Ana. <br /> <br />. 1. How many people did your PlWranl serve in fiscal ~ar 2000-011 122 <br /> <br />2. Of this m.mber(quesdon #4), howmanywere Santa Ana Rl15ldenbl1 30 <br /> <br />. 5. How many Santa Ana resldorrts do )Ou anticipate serving in the progralTl, using the <br />requested CDBG fUnd$? 2~ (an estimated 5,000 bed-days) <br /> <br />~""G <br /> <br />eltf/SIT A- <br />fI{J I c{ l- <br /> <br />>:d ,Jon>: : 80 CJa0c L0 'fil'W <br /> <br />: .QN XttJ <br /> <br />: .1003 <br />