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<br />/' <br /> <br />" <br /> <br />"-' <br /> <br />EXHmlTB <br /> <br />'Y <br /> <br />ADDmONAL INSURED ~ORS1Wll.1\M' <br />FOR COMMRRCIAL GENERAL LlABIUrv POLlCY <br /> <br />Insurance CQmp;ny Philadelphia Indemnity Insurance Co. <br /> <br />Tlris endo:semcnt modifies. such in81lrll!lce as is afforded by the ~visil)nS of POlioy <br /># PHPK022342 relating to the followina: <br /> <br />1. . The City of Santa Ana, 20 Civic CenIlz Plua, SanG Ana, Calilbmia !l2701; its <br />officers, empioyees, ag81l1li. vohmteets and representatives are Damed as additional fasw:eds <br />(" IddiliC>na.l mslWda'~ with reprd to llablHly and defcnt6 of suia. arising fi-om the: 9pcntjom <br />and uses perfurmed by orem behalf of the named illlured. <br /> <br />2. With IeSpeCt 10 claims arising out of the operatiODllIInd uses per!brmad by or 011 <br />behalf of rlIc naruod msared, such insurance as is affotded by tbIa polie)' is primary and Is not <br />additional to 01 conlributiJJs with any other in9Ut!lllCC cmicd by or for the benefit of the <br />a~tional~ureds.*Except for gross negligence and willful misconduct. <br /> <br />3. Tlris insurance IIpplies ~ar:uely to each UlllIted agalllst Whom olaim Is 1Il~ or <br />suit is brought excc.."t with mpCCl to thG compa.ny'~ lillilll; ofllabillty. The inclusion of any <br />penon or organ~alioIl as an lllBUl'fd ahellllO~ afreet any right wblch suob person or organlZlIlion <br />wollld ha'Vc M a claimant if not II(] Included. <br /> <br />4. With fC8pCct to the additional Insured., this imurmc. Iha11 DOt be CIlItlleDed, or <br />DWeriall;y J'(l(hlCed in coveralle or lintits except after tbi:ty (30) days wrlttennotice bas been <br />l!ivcm to the City of Santa Ana, 20 Civic C.:nle! l'q, Santa Ana, Calffomia mOl. <br /> <br />(Completion of the following, Including countersignature, is requirocl to IXIllkethis endo_nt <br />effective. ) <br /> <br />Effecti'Ve <br />Polic)I# <br />Issucod to <br /> <br />4-04-02 <br /> <br />PHPK022342 <br />Women's Transitional <br /> <br />. W eIldors_t fonn as I part of <br /> <br />Living Center <br />Named Insured <br /> <br />* CoWltCl'8ign~~. ' ~. 4J2:) 4 I~ <br />Amh~ ve ~. <br /> <br />APPROVED AS TO FO~ <br /> <br />~:1~ Z/L <br />Laura Sheedy <br />Deputy City Attorney <br /> <br />TOTAL F.B4 <br />