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<br />Attachment A <br /> <br />FY05 HOMELAND SECURITY GRANT PROGRAM <br /> <br />c. Authorized Program Expenditures <br /> <br />This section provides guidance on the types of expenditures that are allowable under <br />the SHSP. Please refer to the checklist in Appendix A: Authorized Program <br />Expenditures for additional information on authorized and unauthorized SHSP <br />expenditures. <br /> <br />PlanninQ <br />SHSP funds may be used for a range of homeland security planning activities, including <br />the following: <br /> <br />Developing and implementing homeland security support programs and adopting <br />DHS national initiatives including but not limited to the following: <br />. Costs associated with the implementation and adoption HSPD-8 initiatives <br />. Costs associated with the implementation and adoption of NIMS <br />. Costs associated with the modifying existing incident management and <br />emergency operations plans to ensure proper alignment with the NRP <br />coordinating structures, processes, and protocols <br />. Establishment or enhancement of mutual aid agreements <br />. Development of communications and interoperability protocols and solutions <br />. Conducting local, regional, and tribal program implementation meetings <br />. Developing or updating resource inventory assets in accordance to typed <br />resource definitions issued by the NIC <br />. Design state and local geospatial data systems <br />. Development of related critical infrastructure terrorism prevention activities <br />including: <br />o Planning for enhancing security during heightened alerts, during terrorist <br />incidents, and/or during mitigation and recovery <br />o Public information/education: printed and electronic materials, public <br />service announcements, seminars/town hall meetings, web postings <br />coordinated through local Citizen Corps Councils <br />o Citizen Corps activities in communities surrounding critical infrastructure <br />sites, including Neighborhood Watch, VIPS, and other opportunities for <br />citizen participation <br />o Evaluating CIP security equipment and/or personnel requirements to <br />protect and secure sites <br />o CIP cost assessments, including resources (financial, personnel, etc.) <br />required for security enhancements/deployments. <br /> <br />Develop and enhance plans and protocols, including but not limited to: <br />. Develop or enhance emergency operations plans and operating procedures <br />. Develop terrorism prevention/deterrence plans <br />. Develop plans, procedures, and requirements for the management of <br />infrastructure and resources related to HSGP and implementation of State or <br />Urban Area Homeland Security Strategies <br /> <br />DEPARTMENT OF HOMELAND SECURITY I OFFICE FOR DOMESTIC PREPAREDNESS <br />63 <br /> <br />