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<br />Attachment A <br /> <br />FY05 HOMELAND SECURITY GRANT PROGRAM <br /> <br />PlanninQ <br />LETPP funds may be used for a range of law enforcement terrorism prevention planning <br />activities, including the following: <br /> <br />. Development of and planning for information/ intelligence sharing groups <br />. Conducting point vulnerability analyses and assessments <br />. Soft target security planning (public gatherings) <br />. Develop border security operations plans in coordination with CBP <br />. Developing, implementing and reviewing Area Maritime Security Plans for ports, <br />waterways, and coastal areas <br />. Updating and refining threat matrices <br />. Acquiring systems allowing connectivity to federal data networks, such as <br />National Crime Information Center (NCIC) and Integrated Automated Fingerprint <br />Identification System (IAFIS), as appropriate <br />. Designing and developing state and local geospatial data systems <br />. Costs associated with the implementation and adoption of NIMS <br />. Developing related critical infrastructure terrorism prevention activities including: <br />o Planning for enhancing security during heightened alerts, during terrorist <br />incidents, and/or during mitigation and recovery <br />o Public information/education: printed and electronic materials, public service <br />announcements, seminars/town hall meetings, web postings <br />o Citizen Corps activities in communities surrounding CI sites, to include <br />Neighborhood Watch, VIPS, and other opportunities for citizen participation <br />o Evaluating CIP security equipment and/or personnel requirements to protect <br />and secure sites <br /> <br />ODe rational Activities <br />In support of FY05 LETPP efforts to provide law enforcement communities with <br />enhanced capabilities for detecting, deterring, disrupting, and preventing acts of <br />terrorism, states and local governments may use FY05 LETPP funds to support select <br />operational activities. No more than 25% of the gross amount of the LETPP award may <br />be used for the operational expenses and overtime costs for the organizational activities <br />noted below, which includes the operational costs in Operational Costs Guidance on <br />page 25. These funds may be used for the following three (3) operational activities: <br /> <br />1. Grantees and subgrantees may use LETPP funds for select operational expenses <br />associated with increased security measures at critical infrastructure sites, incurred <br />during time periods of DHS-declared Orange Alert. Funds may only be used in <br />the following authorized categories: <br /> <br />o Backfill and overtime expenses for staffing state or local EOCs <br />o Hiring of contracted security for critical infrastructure sites <br />o Public safety overtime <br />o National Guard deployments to protect critical infrastructure sites, including all <br />resources that are part of the standard National Guard deployment package <br /> <br />DEPARTMENT OF HOMELAND SECURllY I OFFICE FOR DOMESTIC PREPAREDNESS <br />75 <br /> <br />