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NS-2715 - Calling for and Giving Notice of A Special Municipal Election to be Consolidated with the General Municipal Election to Held in the City of Santa Ana...
2000 - 2010 (NS-2416-2812)
2006 (NS-2707 - NS-2730)
NS-2715 - Calling for and Giving Notice of A Special Municipal Election to be Consolidated with the General Municipal Election to Held in the City of Santa Ana...
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7/6/2006 7:49:04 AM
City Clerk
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<br />Exhibit B <br />Sec. 401. Qualifications of members. <br /> <br />To be eligible to be elected to the office of councilmember, a person must be a <br />r-ellisterodaualified voter and a thirty (30) day resident of the ward from which Ilethe <br />candidate is nominated at the time nomination papers are issued te Rim as provided for <br />In Seetien 22842 of the Elections Code of the State of California, except that the mayor <br />need only be a registered voter and thirtv (30) dav resident of the city at such time. In <br />the event any councilmember other than the mayor shall cease to be a resident of the <br />ward from which Ilethe councilmember (or, in the case of an appointee, Aisthe <br />councilmember's predecessor) was elected, or in the event the mayor shall cease to be <br />a resident of the city, Aisthe office shall immediately become vacant and shall be filled in <br />the same manner as herein provided for other vacancies; provided, that where a <br />councilmember ceases to be a resident of the ward from which Ilethe councilmember <br />(or, in case of an appointee, I1fs-the councilmember's predecessor) was elected solely <br />because of a change in boundaries of any ward as in this charter provided, Ilethe <br />councilmember shall not lose Aisthe office by reason of such change. If a member of the <br />city council shall be convicted of a crime involving moral turpitude, Aisthe office shall <br />immediately become vacant and be so declared by the city council. <br /> <br />No person sllallbe eligible for nomination for or oleation te tRe ollioe of oe~noilFl1eFl1berA <br />person who has served two (2) consecutive terms of four (4) years each shall be eliaible <br />for appointment. nomination for or election to the office of councilmember (reaardless <br />of wards represented by that person durina such period) no sooner than for a term <br />beainninQ eiQht (8) years after completion of that councilmember's second consecutive <br />full term. <br /> <br />Short or partial terms shall not be considered~ in determinina eliQibilitv for appointment, <br />nomination or election. For purposes of this charter. short or partial terms shall onlv be <br />those where the councilmember was elected or appointed to replace another <br />councilmember who left office before the latter official's term expired. Any <br />councilmember who assumed office at the beainnina of a term and left office early for <br />anv reason whatsoever shall be deemed to have served a full term. <br /> <br />Ordinance No. NS,2715 <br />Page 4 of 15 <br />
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