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General Liability <br />Supplementary h. relutsc nlluchments; <br />Payments but only lorhond amounts within the livailable Limi[ Of Gtsurmce. Wb tln not hove to <br />fronlinuedJ Furnish these bonds. <br />C. reasonnhluexpcnsesiocurred by the insured at our reyuesno assist us iu the investigation or <br />defense of Huth claim or snit, including aaw;J loss of carnin{s up to S I bll6 a (fay bemuse of <br />timeolYFrantwark. <br />U. cods razed against dte iasnred in the n~ult, except any: <br />1, aUnmey Pecs at' 4iliynlion expenses; ar <br />2. other loss, cast nr ezpuue; <br />in tnnnettinn wish any irtjundion or other equitnble re[iol'. <br />E. prcjudgmem interestawarded ugninst tlm insured on that purl oFajudgmtnt we pay. I(we <br />make xn offcrm pny[he applicubleLimit OfTnsumnue,we will not paymty prejutigmcm <br />ittCenst based on dud {uxiod of time aRerthe offer. <br />F. in[ereston the fullnmoum ofajudgment rha[accrues after entry of thejudgmenl andbcfore <br />we have paid, offered to pay or deposited in court dtc pun ol'tbejudgmenl. that is within the <br />nppl'sahlc Limit Of Innlrnnct. <br />Supplementary Payments dons not include any fine or outer penally. <br />These payments will not redact the LimitsOfLtsurance. <br />Our obligation to m[tke these payments cods when we hour used up llte applicable Limit Df <br />hisurnncu.. _ <br />... ~' ,... :..itYLF~.l4,~rLSr+.M;: M1'"i'~~Ve:SA +.LSruv~"v- ..l•^o5S'G. a :v>-- "_.u.1_3' 'Y i' ( <br />Coverage Territory Tltis insurmree applies anywhere,provided the insured'srespons[bilityto pny damuyrcs, to which <br />this insurmsenpplies, is• detannined iu a stilt nn the trierits brought in Ilse United States of America <br />(including its pnsscssionsand krriwries), Canada Ut Pucrta Rico, or innscltiemtrtt to which we <br />agree. <br />Who Is An Insured <br />Sole Proprietorships ifyuuern:mindividunt,youandyourspousem~einsnrc(is,btd,vouandyourspo(5t~rehuurcds <br />only with respect to [Itc cmuluct ufa busines;;nf which you arc the sole rnvner. <br />l l'yau die: <br />parsons ur argnniztttionshaving plnixncntpomrycust~dy r7fyour pruptrry nix insun:d>, bw <br />dtty arc insureds only with respect to the mnimen:mec or use of suclf property and only !ar <br />acts omit your legtll represuwnivc has been uppvintcd;;nxl <br />your kgnl representatives arc iusu rids, but Ihcy are insure(is only wilt respecRU their <br />Aul ies as your Icgal reprcxemari trez. Such legal represrotati ves tvi IL(xsumr yea( righu mrd <br />duties Wl(I¢r lbt5 lnlM1ll:Incc. <br />!JaadflY ln.tiuranco - <br />~errnan-0Y[tU[(Fao. +-OrJ Gintracl Pagc3M?! <br />