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<br />4. INDEPENDENT CONTRACTOR <br /> <br />SAFFTA shall, during the entire term of this Agreement. be construed to be an <br />independent contractor and not an employee of City. This Agreement is not intended nor shall it <br />be cunstrued to create an ~mployer-employee relationship, a joint venture relationship, or to <br />allow City to exercise discretion or control over the professional manner in which SAFFT A <br />performs the services which arc the subject matter of this Agreement; however, the services shall <br />be provided in a manner consistent with all applicable standards and regulations governing such <br />servIces. <br /> <br />5. INDEMNIFICATION <br /> <br />SAFF'lA agrees to and shall indemnify and hold harmless City. its omcers, agents. <br />employees. consultants, special counsel, and representatives from liability for personal injury, <br />damages. just compensation. restitution. judicial or equitable relief arising out of claims for <br />personal injury, including health. and claims for property damagc, which may arise from thc <br />direct or indirect operations of SAFFT ^. the Provider or its contractors. subcontractors, agents, <br />employees, or other persons acting on their behalf which relates to the services descrihed in <br />section 1 of this Agreement. <br /> <br />6. NOTICE <br /> <br />Any notice or other communication pursuant to this Agreement shall be in writing and <br />shall be delivered in person or mailed by first class mail. postage prepaid, to the following <br />persons: <br /> <br />To City: Clerk of the Council <br />20 Civic Ccnter Plaza (M-30) <br />P.O. Box 1988 <br />Santa Ana, California 92701 <br /> <br />To SAFFTA: Doyle Smith. Dircctor <br />Santa Ana Friends for the Animals <br />60 Civic Center Plaza <br />Santa Ana. CA 9270 I <br /> <br />A party may change its address by giving nolit:e in \vriting to the other party. <br /> <br />7. FXCLLJSIVITY AND AMENDMENT <br /> <br />This Agreement represents the complete and exclusive statement between City and <br />SAFFT A. This Agreement may not be modified except by wTitten instrument signed by City and <br />SAI'TTA. <br /> <br />2 <br />