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<br /> Fulfillment <br /> illustrated by <br /> Tracklnv: HUD Ob'ective to be fulrdled HUD Outcomes to be fulfilled HUD Indicator <br /> Suitable Creating Specific Outcome <br />Activity/Program Outcome Tracking Goal Living Decent Economic Availability/ Affordability Sustainabilit; Indicator # <br /> Housing ppportunitie Accessibility (Please see page 4 <br /> Environment of 4 for dese.) <br />Senior Services 1. Track assistcd senior I. 80"/" of assisted senior <br /> citizcns that rcmaincd ilizens will remain <br />D indepcndent for at least 1 'ndepcndent for at least 1 X X 2 <br />year after serviccs were [yearafier services are <br /> nrovided rovidcd. <br /> 2. Track seniors receiving .90%ofscniorsrecciving <br /> ferrals that were linked to eferrals will bc Iinkcd to the <br />D thc scrvices sought. serviccssought. X X 2 <br />wner-Occupied umbcrofownersassisted Physical safety and comfort <br />ousingRehabilitation to rehabilitale lheirprimary ill be improved for Low <br />!residence for the following land Modcrate income <br /> income categories: ouscholds by improving <br />D -Extremely Low Income omes to a level that meets 9 <br />"Very Low Income r Cl{cecds HUD housing X X <br /> .Moderatelncome ualitystandards. <br /> Special Needs Categones <br /> -Large Families <br />rail Elderly Services rackfraileldcrly 0% of frail elderly <br /> individuals that were linkcd individuals will be linked to 2 <br />D lhe services SDUght. escrvicessought. X X <br />isabledServices rack disablcs pcrsons Support independcnt living <br /> hose indepcndent living for 90% of disabled pcrsons 2 <br />D as supported by City funds. ssisted by City funds. X X <br />ervices for Mcntally 1Il rack individuals assisted 100% of individuals assisted <br /> ith City resources that were ith City resources will be <br />D provided an entry point into rovidcd an entry point into <br />eregional mental health eregional mental health X X 2 <br /> are system and linked to at are system and linked to at <br /> leasl one additional mental least one additional mental <br /> l1ealth supportive service. calth supportive service. <br />ervices for Substance Track how many individuals ?rovide entry into lhe <br />ddicled with substance addiction in gionalrecoverysystemfor <br /> were provided an entry into 5 individuals with <br /> the regional recovery system ubstance addiction and link <br />D and linked to additional hem to additional services. 2 <br />services. X X <br /> .US_year goal to be <br /> achieved by FY 09/10 <br />outhServices 1. Track improvement in I. For education-based <br /> pre.test, post-test scores. nrograms, improve pre-test 2 <br />D ost-lestscoresbySO% X X <br /> 2. Tracknumberof ?rovideopportuniticsfor <br />D individuals exposed to the xposure to the fine arts. X X 2 <br />fine arts. <br />D 3. Trackchildrenlyouth .90%ofchildren/youlh <br />seeking referrals that were eking referrals will be X X 2 <br />linked lo the services sought. llinked lO the services sought. <br />Low-andModerate- Track program participanls t!% ofprograrn participants <br />ncomeServices alwerehnkedtoserv1ccS ill be linked to services 2 <br />D sought. roughl. X X <br /> <br />Exhibit A-I <br />Page 2 of 4 <br />