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Impacts may include the adverse effect of existing and future traffic noise on the pro- <br />posed residential land uses, and potential adverse effects of project -related traffic <br />noise on the surrounding community. In addition, construction -related noise may <br />adversely affect existing noise -sensitive land uses. <br />Traffic noise modeling will be conducted using the Caltrans SOUND2000 model and <br />traffic volumes from the project traffic study. Scenarios modeled will be limited by <br />the available of traffic volume data, but may include existing, future and future + proj- <br />ect. Noise contours will be developed from the modeling and will be mapped to facil- <br />itate land use planning. A construction noise worksheet model will be used based on <br />noise reference levels in Bolt, Beranek and Newman (1971), and geometric diver- <br />gence and ground attenuation. <br />Mitigation measures will be provided to minimize impacts to proposed and existing <br />noise -sensitive land uses. Measures may include recommendations for setbacks <br />from major roadways, noise walls and landscaped topographic barriers. The Noise <br />technical report will be summarized in the Noise section of the EIR. <br />5.2.11 AESTHETICS <br />CMCA will determine the impacts of the project using the VRMS system, which takes <br />into consideration visual quality, visual character, and viewer sensitivity. Simulations <br />are specifically excluded from this proposal. <br />5.2.11 PUBLIC SERVICES AND UTILITIES <br />CMCA will assess the impacts of the project on utilities and services. This section <br />will include analysis of impacts to public safety, schools, and water and wastewater. <br />This section may include a water supply assessment pursuant to SB610. The water <br />supply assessment will be provided by the City's water purveyor. The proposal for <br />this section assumes that information regarding necessary infrastructure is fully <br />addressed in the Specific Plan Update. <br />Task 5.2.2: Alternatives Analysis <br />CMCA will work with staff to develop alternatives aimed at the reduction of signifi- <br />cant impacts. The analysis will include a comparison of the alternatives, and will <br />include a determination of the environmentally superior alternative. The level of <br />detail of the analysis will be less than the proposed project. <br />Task 5.2.3: Other CEQA Sections <br />The EIR will include a discussion of the growth -inducing effects of the project, includ- <br />ing extension of public services, commitment of resources, and secondary growth in <br />the residential and commercial sector. This section will also include a summary of <br />significant, irreversible impacts. <br />CMCA will compile the preceding sections into an Administrative Draft EIR <br />Deliverables - Five (5) paper copies and one (1) electronic copy <br />Task 5.2.4: Preparation of Draft EIR <br />CMCA will incorporate comments from staff and prepare a Draft EIR suitable for cir- <br />culation. CMCA will provide all required notices for the Draft EIR. <br />Moule & Polyzoides, Architects and Urbanists <br />