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review of the City's development policies and processes, and a statistical abstract of Building <br />Safety permit and instruction activity from 1980 to the present. In response to her inquiry <br />regarding the schedule for the work study session on the Logan area zoning designation, the <br />Council informally agreed to reschedule that meeting to June 1, 1995. <br /> <br />PROJECT REVIEW <br /> <br />Senior Planner Charles View distributed a memo comparing Santa Ana's project review fees to <br />those of Rancho Santa Margarita for two typical developments, noting Santa Ana's fees were <br />significantly lower. He explained that the Planning Division currently uses a "front-loaded" <br />review process (all variances from codes, standards, and policies are identified before allowing the <br />project to proceed) rather than a "back-loaded" review (identifies areas of non-compliance as <br />project review progresses). View commented that staff`believed the "front-loaded" system <br />reduced overall processing time. He noted, however, staff`was considering amending the process <br />to allow site plan review and plan check to proceed simultaneously, and to invite applicants to <br />attend staffs all-department project review sessions. <br /> <br />PLAN CHECK <br /> <br />Building Safety Manager Jim Lindgren explained the mission of the Building Safety Division was <br />to insure the buildings constructed in Santa Ana insured a reasonable degree of safety for the <br />building owners, occupants, and uses carried on within them. He indicated the responsibility of <br />the Division was to comply with all federal, state, and local laws concerning building safety and <br />noted the primary functions of the Division were plan check and inspections. <br /> <br />Senior Plan Check Engineer Robert Tyler demonstrated the plan check process through a flow <br />chart, reviewed several plan check forms, and provided current statistics regarding allocation of <br />plan check hours by function. Tyler then showed a chart that compared Santa Ana's plan check <br />staff, time required by plan check category such as tenant improvements and under $20,000 <br />projects, hours of service, and fees with eight other jurisdictions. Planning and Building Agency <br />Executive Director Uptegraff noted all Santa Ana plan check staff members were certified by the <br />International Conference of Building Officials (ICBO). <br /> <br />Uptegraff`indicated staff`was considering the feasibility of a new surcharge to cover costs for <br />Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) and Title 24 handicapped plan check evaluations and also <br />planning to set up a "one-stop" development review counter when the Police Department vacates <br />its current facility. <br /> <br />RECESSED - 8:00 P.M. <br /> <br />RECONVENED - 8:10 P.M. - All Councilmembers present except Mayor Pulido <br /> <br />PUBLIC SAFETY DEVELOPMENT REVIEW <br /> <br />Police Chief Paul Walters reported that the Santa Ana Police Department had been recognized <br />nationally for its leadership in Crime Prevention through Environmental Design by the United <br />States Conference of Mayors, and explained the Department worked to prevent crime by <br />evaluating projects for safety and security features. He introduced Police Community Services <br /> <br />CITY COUNCIL MINUTES <br /> <br />102 APRIL 17, 1995 <br /> <br /> <br />