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nnv ua uo 1e:u4p oC Youth Commission 714-5A2-7746 p.6 <br />11/03/2005 13:06 3034Z* BC>B LEID AGENCY PAGE 06/06 <br />ADDMOtV%- INSURED ENDORSEMENT <br />Insurance Company . _ i hC &e4& � GArm <br />This endorsement modifies sect insurance as is afforded by the provialm. or Policy <br />S _76,V Ee L /0000ao( relatirrl to the following: <br />1. The City of SaM.t Ana, 20 Civic Center Plaza. Santa Ana, California <br />92701: its officers, ernployees, :wtents and volunteers are named as addifronsl kwxeds <br />('additional inarteds") with recemd to robifity and defense of suits aaift from the <br />operations and uses performed :oy or on betralr of the narned insured. <br />2. With respect to cladno arising out of the operations and uses perfomned by <br />or on behalf of the named Iry Lwed, such insurance as is at%rded by this poky is <br />primary and to not additional to,) • contributing with any other insurance carried by or for <br />Me benefit of the additional insutisds. <br />3. This Insurance sp:3las separately to each insured against whom claim is <br />made or suit is brought except with respect to the company's limits of Iabi 4. The <br />Inclusion of any person or orgsrdzabon as an insured shall not affect arty right which <br />such person or organizWon wadd have as a claimant.if not so included. <br />4. . With respect to he additional insraeds, this Insurance shin not be <br />canceled. or rreterialty reduced kr coverage or Imifs except attar thirty (30) days wMan <br />notice has been given to the trty of Santa Ana, 20 Civic Center Plaza: Santa Ana, <br />California 927*01. <br />(Completion of the folowing. Gatudtrg ommWsignahm is required to, make this <br />ant etfedrve) <br />Effective—%D 0-P 05 , this endorsement form as apart of <br />policy f <br />Issued b <br />Cour t:rsigned by 24' A ` <br />Arthwized Repres _ ive <br />TO t"Olzm <br />