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<br /> Fulfillment <br /> illustrated by <br /> Trackin2 HUD Ob' ective to be fulfilled HUD Outcomes to be fulfilled HUD Indicator <br /> Suitable Creating Specific Outcome <br />Activity/Program Outcome Tmcking Goal Living Decent Economic Availability/ Affordability Sustainabi]i~ Indicator # <br />Housing Accessibility (Please see page 4 <br /> Environment Opportunitie of 4 for desc.) <br />eniorServices L Track assisted senior j.8o%ofassistcdsenior <br /> itizcns that remained iti:l:enswill rcmain <br />0 independent for at least 1 'ndependent for at least I X X 2 <br />ear afler services were earafterservicesllrc <br /> [Provided. Provided. <br /> 2. Track scniors receiving .90%ofscniorsrcceiving <br /> Fferralsthatwerelinkcdto eferrals will be linked to the 2 <br />0 !lhe ServIceS sought. ervieessoughl. X X <br />Owner-Occupicd umher ofowncrs assisted Physielllsafctyandcomfort <br />ousmgRehllhllitation to rehllbilitate their primary ill be improved for Low <br /> sidence for the following nd Moderate income <br /> income categories: ousehnlds by improving <br />0 -Extremely Low Income omes to II level that meets 9 <br />-Very Low Income rexceeds HUD housing X X <br /> -Moderate Income ualitystandards <br /> SpecilllNeedsCategories <br /> -Large Families <br />rail Elderly Services Traekfrailelderly o%offraileldcrly <br /> individuals that werc linked individullls will be Iinkcd to 2 <br />0 tto the services sought. hescrvicessought X X <br />iSllbledScrvices Track disablcs persons upport indepcndent living <br /> whose indepcndent living for9o%ofdisabledpcrsons 2 <br />0 'was supportcd by City funds, ssisled by City funds. X X <br />Scrvieesfor McnlallyIII Track individuals assisled 100''10 of individuals assisted <br /> ith City resources that were ith Cityrcsoumls will be <br />0 rovided an entry point into ~ovidcdanentrypointinto 2 <br />theregionalmcntalhcalth hercgional mental health X X <br /> care system and linked to at are system and linkcd to at <br /> leasl one lldditional mental east one additional mental <br /> ealthsupponivescrvice. ealth suppnnive service. <br />crvieesforSubstance Trackhowmanyindividullls ovide entry into the <br />ddictcd with substance addiction in egional rceovery system for <br /> ere provided lln entry into S individuals with <br /> the regional recovery system substance addiction and link <br />0 dlinkedloadditional hem 10 addilionlll serviccs. 2 <br />servICes. X X <br /> .uS-yellrgoal to be <br /> chicvedbyFy09110 <br />outhServices I. Track improvement in I,Foreducation_based <br /> prc-test,post-teslscores. ~grams,improveprc_tesl 2 <br />0 IPost-test scores by SO% X X <br /> 2. Tracknumberof Provide opportunities for <br />0 individuals exposcd to the xposurc to the fine arts. X X 2 <br />fineans. <br /> 3, Track children/youth 3.90%ofchildrenlyouth <br />~ seekingreferrlllsthatwere cckingreferrllls will be X X 2 <br />linked to the services sought inkcd 10 lhe services sought <br />~w-andModerllle_ rackprogrllmpllnicipants % of program participants <br />ncomeServices that were linked to services ill bc Hnkcd to services 2 <br /> sought. sought X X <br />0 <br /> <br />Exhibit A-I <br />Page 2 of 4 <br />