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<br />INSURANCE ON ALE <br />WORK MAY PROCEED <br />UNTIL INSURANCE "X PIRES <br />0- 9-07 FIRST AMENDMENT TO AGREEMENT <br />CLERK OF COUNCIL <br />DATE: 9-fIl-O," <br />o:f':',~;'f.-z. THIS EIRST AMENDMENT TO AGREEMENT is entered into on August I, 2006, <br />by and between Dennis Trauth dba Golden State Electric ("Contractor") and the City of <br />Santa Ana, a charter city and mnnicipal corporation of the State of California ("City"). <br /> <br />N-2006-007-01 <br /> <br />RECITALS: <br /> <br />A. The parties entered into Agreement N-2006-007, dated Jannary 1. 2006, (hereinaller <br />"said Agreement") by which Contractor has provided electrical contracting services. <br /> <br />n. In accordance \vith the terms and conditions of said Agreement, the parties wish to renew <br />said Agreement for an additional six month period and increase compensation to pay for <br />services during the extended term. <br /> <br />WHEREFORE. in consideration of the cuvenants contained in said Agreement. and subject <br />to all the terms and conditions of said Agreement, except those amended in this First <br />Amendment to Agreement, the parties agree as fo11O\,vs: <br /> <br />I. Sectiun 2. COMPENSATION. shall be amended to increase compensation by $10.000 <br />lor a total amount not to exceed $10.000 during the 2006-2007 lisenl yeaL <br /> <br />2. Section 3. TERM, shall be amended to extcnd the termination date to June 30. 2007. <br /> <br />3, Except as herein amended, all terms and conditions of said Agreement shall remain in <br />full force and effect. <br /> <br />II <br /> <br />" <br />,j <br /> <br />II <br /> <br />// <br /> <br />II <br /> <br />II <br /> <br />// <br />