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<br />Amendment Application No. 2006-03 <br />General Plan Amendment No. 2006-01 <br />July 24, 2006 <br />Page 3 <br /> <br />major arterial roadways such as Fourth Street. Given the site's close <br />proximity to Grand Avenue and the Orange County Register headquarters, <br />the area could evolve into an office district that links the existing <br />office district on east Fourth Street with Grand Avenue. The current <br />zoning and general plan designations facilitate a future employment <br />center by allowing the conversion of residences along Fourth Street into <br />viable office proj ects. Further, since residential uses along maj or <br />arterials are not encouraged, it will assist in the eventual conversion <br />of these residences into office uses that are appropriate land uses on a <br />major arterial. <br /> <br />By rezoning the existing lot to the Single-Family Residence (R1) <br />designation, any future developer would have less square footage on <br />which to develop the properties along Fourth Street between McClay <br />Street and Linwood Avenue. Additionally, staff is trying to minimize <br />the creation of city blocks that have a mis-match of office and <br />residential development. By allowing the zone change and general plan <br />amendment for this specific parcel, the City is reducing the amount of <br />land available for office uses. Smaller development sites may fall <br />short of complying with the City's development standards and create <br />negative impacts on the surrounding residential neighborhood. Such <br />impacts may include the parking of automobiles in the residential <br />neighborhoods as street parking is not permitted on Fourth Street. <br /> <br />Staff also analyzed the existing land use pattern of the area. The <br />entire block along Fourth Street is zoned Professional and allows office <br />development, including the conversion of residences into professional <br />offices. In fact, several of the office buildings along this corridor <br />were former residences that were converted into office buildings. <br />Although the opportunity exists for the residence south of the subject <br />site to convert to an office use, it is unlikely that these sites can <br />meet the development standards necessary for office uses. By <br />maintaining the office zoning of the subject site, it allows potential <br />developers the opportunity to create a larger office development rather <br />than a series of smaller individual office buildings. <br /> <br />Therefore, staff recommends that the Planning Commission recommend that <br />the City Council deny Amendment Application No. 2006-03 and General Plan <br />Amendment No. 2006-01. <br /> <br />758-5 <br />