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<br />Cer'tification Regardimg <br />Debarment, Suspension, Ineligibilitv and 'Voluntan Exclusion <br />Lower Tier Covered Transmctions <br /> <br />This certif1cation is required by the regulations impJementimg Executive Order 12549, <br />=J~barmenl and Suspension. 29 eFR Part c)8. Section 98.51' (J. Participants' Responsibilities. <br />The regulations were published as Pa11 VII of the Mav 16. Ii 988.. Federal Register (Pages <br />H!16().1 921 1 I <br />i'Befort., completing certification, reatl instructions which are: an integral part of certification) <br /> <br />The prospective primary participant (i.e. grantee) certiJ1l~s tCI the best of its knowledge <br />3l1d belief. that it and its principals <br /> <br />a. Are not presently debarred. suspended. proposed for debarment. declared <br />meJigible. or voluntarily excluded from covered tramsactions by any federal <br />department or agency: <br /> <br />b Have not within a three.vear period preceding tmls proposal been convicted or <br />had a Civil judgment rendered againsl them for corrumission of fraud or a criminal <br />offense in connection witb obtall1ing. attempting to ,obtain, or perfcnming a public <br />I federal. state or local) transaction or contract under a publie transaction; violation <br />of federal or state antitrust statues or commission of'embezzlement. tbeft, forgery, <br />bribe,,), falsification or destruction of records. makimg false statements. or receiving <br />slOlen property. <br /> <br />C. Are not presently indicted for or othenvise crimimally or civilly charged by a <br />glwenUllent entity (federaL state or local) with cormmission of an\ of the offenses <br />enumerated in paragraph (1 )(b) of this certification: .and <br /> <br />d Ibve nol within a tbree.vear period preceding thl1.' application'Proposal had one <br />m more public transactions (federal. state or local) tErminated for cause or default. <br /> <br />Wbere the prospective primar, partiCipant is unable 10 c"",rtify to am of the statements in <br />c'lis (nII11(3[[On. such prospective parllCipCll11 sball attach am expbnati"J1lO Ihis proposaL <br /> <br />~. <br /> <br />Ii <br /> <br /> <br />__ ....-r:'(' I . f\ I' _ 1 <br />- 0,~ - Velie.. 11 rk U:J'd-C:, <br /> <br />---' 'f!' C" <br />"_lranli.::r:/,OJltr;Jctor ) gaJ1lzatJon <br /> <br />','1111" and TItle of 'lcial Authori <br />':'11 Behalf of the Grantee <br /> <br /> <br />" <br /> <br />ty€c....J, v<:, ])\ ~.('C~,~ <br /> <br />7 ( d.. '>~ \ 2...00 ~ <br /> <br />[jate <br />