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<br />Exhibit G <br /> <br />Assurances & Ccr.tifications <br /> <br />SeleC1ed pro"iders will he required to sign and suhmit "acnual" assurances and certifica1es <br />as required hy the ell) of Santa Ana and the Workforce Inwe5tmen1 Board on all contracts. <br /> <br />] recognize that] must gi\'e assurances for each item below If] cannot, this proposal will <br />be aUlomatJcally rejected. Please il1;/ial-cach bux- <br /> <br />@ <br />2J <br />31 <br /> <br />] am authorized by my Board of Directors, Trustees, other legmlly qualified officer, or as the oVli'ner <br />of this agency or business 10 submit this proposal <br />We are n01 currently on any Federal. State of California, or loc::al Debarment list. <br />\Ve wjU provide records to shoy,; that we are fiscally solvent. Iii needed. <br />We have, or will have. all of tile fiscal cOl1tro] and accountin~ procedures needed to ensure that \\'[A <br />fund:: \vili be used as required by law and contract <br />\i./t nave additional fundmg sources and wilinG! be dependem on \~/lA funds alone. <br /> <br />is] <br /> <br />~ <br /> <br />",.'.it will meet the applicable Federal. State, and local compliance r~quirements. These include, but are <br />110t limited to: <br />~Record.s accurately reflect actual performance. <br />~Maintain record confidentiality, as required. <br />[]J<eporting financial, panjcipan1. and performance data as reqUlned. <br />tK'lCompjy with State and Federal fiscal and program activity au diES <br />C8J~ompjy'ing with Federal and State non-discrimination provision::.: <br />0"Meeting requirements of Section 504 of the Rehabilitation Act cof 1973. <br />0Meeting requirements of the Arne. rican's with DisabilitJes Ac! 0}~-.)c)90..(SUbmit completed survey) <br />rz:]Meetmg all applicable labor la\\'. lllcludll1g Child Labor Law slumdards <br />l2'9Agree 10 provide a drug free vmrkr\ace <br />0"Agret 10 insure the City of Santa An3 through General Liabilrry insurance and Automobile Liabilit\ <br />~~Coverage in the amowll 01$ \ ,QUO,aOO.DO policy. <br />~Agret to provide all panicipanls \vjth Grievance Procedures <br />ts.l,Agree to insure rroposer's employees through \\/orkers Compt':1)s~jtion lnsurance <br />. (l11cluding par1-11111t employees} <br /> <br />\Ve willnol: <br />~J)I(jct' II youth in a pmlliollthal will disp13ce a current ernplo:(:~. <br />czgUse \,\'1A money \0 asslSL preJll10lt, or deter uillon <br />e;JUst' funds 10 employ or train of persons in sectarian aCllvitle~ <br />~l :'5e funds for youth in the construction, operation, or maintenall1:L' of an) pan ofa facility w be uscd <br />for SfC1;:H"ian inSlrUCI;On or reJjgious \vorshir. <br />[ZjUse \l.,'IA funds for actJvllle~; that would interfere WIth or repla'-.::: regular academic requirements 101 <br />ell'-'.ihle \'outh who are not dropOllls <br />r:-'7:/ - . <br />~Use W1A funds to carry OUl programs funded under the Schooi--[{'-\\iorf\ Opportunities Act of ! 9LJ4 <br />unless the program(;;1 art oniy for youth e1igihle to panicipJ.ll" under \f.,"JA <br /> <br />hcr{;2::1 ~c true. <br /> <br />N;:lIHe ~ <br /> <br />Title <br /> <br />-------- <br />" )~/ r;J.6 Jf(fifJ5 <br /> <br />I D~lte <br />