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<br />, <br />; <br /> <br />- JAMES B. SMITH, SRA <br /> <br />- <br /> <br />Reor E~tafQ Appraiser <br /> <br />4QO NURTH NEWPORT BOI,Jl.E;VARP <br />NEWl'Ol<T BeACH, CALIFORNIA 92660 <br /> <br />TELE>'HONf: 646.Q356 <br /> <br />September 24, 1969 <br /> <br />City of Santa Ana <br />217 l'\ol"th lYla-in Street <br />Santa Ana, California 92701 <br /> <br />Attn: Mr. G. David Tayco <br />Assisl.cUl.L io City Manager <br /> <br />Re: Appraisal Report <br />Proposed Park Site <br />Edna Drive and Santa Ana River <br />City of Santa Ana <br /> <br />Pursuant to your rc,qucst and authorization per letter dated P.ugust 22, 1969, <br />I have n~ladC' an appraisal of the properties located on the south side of Edna <br />Drive, adjacent to and on the weBt side of the Santa Ana River, described <br />more particularly in the report, and submit her"ewith three copies of n1.Y <br />appraisal reporL. <br /> <br />The purp~5e of the appraisal was to estimate the M.arket Value of the subject <br />properties for acquisition purposes, Property rights appraised arc the fee <br />simple estate assuming the propcrty to be free and clear of all liens, under <br />responsible ov.,:ncrship and competent mana,gement and having good and <br />n1arketable title. <br /> <br />lvlarket Vah:c is defined as the highest price estirnated in terrns of money <br />which the property will bring if exposed for sale in the open rnarket, \vith <br />a n:;a::;onaule l.ilne allowed to find a purchaser, buying with full knov..:ledge <br />01 all tll.C us<.:::s and purposes to which it is best adapted and for which it is <br />capcble of being used. <br /> <br />The opiniont> c~.;:pressed within the report were formed after a personal <br />inspection of the properties under appraiserIlcnt and after an extensive study <br />was rn3.(l<..~ of the characteristics of the property and the envil'oning factors <br />which influ0l:.ccd the value. <br /> <br />3;: reason 01 n1.Y investigation and analysis, and by virtue of my knowlcdg2, <br />