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<br />arrfA <br /> <br />Responses to <br />Environmental Checklist <br />For CEQA Compliance <br /> <br />There will be no significant impact as prevIous analysIs for water supply has Included <br />the build-out of this project area. <br /> <br />C. The Santa Ana Public Works Agency has reviewed the proposed project and has not <br />identified a need for new or altered systems to meet the increased demand for water <br />drainage facilities resulting from this project. No impact will occur. <br /> <br />D. The proposed project will not require modifications to the existing water system. No <br />impact would occur. <br /> <br />E. Refer to XVI.B. <br /> <br />F. The project will generate additional solid waste. A preliminary review of landfills <br />currently serving the project area shows significant remaining capacity. <br /> Santa Ana disposed of a total of 379,259 tons in the year 2000, <br />at a rate of 2 poundsiresidentiday and 10.9 pounds/employee/day. A study of the <br />area landfills and their remaining capacity is presented in the following table. <br /> <br />Landfill Closure Remaining Capacity Santa Ana Contribution <br /> Year (million cubic vards)' (tons 2000) <br />Arvin 2008 2.2 23.0 <br />Bradley West and West 2007 4.7 4.0 <br />Exoansion <br />Colton 2006 0.6 3.0 <br />Frank R. Bowerman 2022 63 290,175 <br />Olinda Alpha 2013 38 74,965 <br />Prima Deshecha 2067 87.4 2,158 <br />Puente Hills #6 2013 62.3 2.0 <br />Simi Valley Landfill and 2034 9.5 33.0 <br />Recvclino Center <br />Remaining Capacity in 267.7 <br />Svstem <br /> <br />There is sufficient current capacity to accommodate waste generated in the project <br />area. Impacts will be less than significant due to the relatively small scale of this <br />project. <br /> <br />G. The solid waste disposal needs of the proposed project will be served by Great <br />Western Reclamation. Great Western Reclamation complies with all federal, state, <br />and local statutes and regulations related to solid waste. The City's current diversion <br />rate is 59 percent, more than the 50 percent required by state law. No significant <br />impact is anticipated, and no mitigation measures are required. <br /> <br />XVII. Mandatory Findings of Significance <br /> <br />A. The project may impact historic resources, but to a less than significant level. <br />Impacts will be mitigated by setting the upper levels of the building back from the <br />lower floors so as not to obscure the historic ghost sign on the adjacent building's <br />wall. Additionally, the building will be compatible with the Downtown National Register <br />District in terms of massing and scale, and will set itself apart from older development <br />by utilizing a more modern style of architecture and materials, thereby meeting the <br />Secretary of the Interior's Standard Number Nine requiring new development to be <br /> <br />7 5.,~iA8 <br />