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<br />Additionally, the subject site is not located near a State <br />Highways. <br />C. Substantially degrade the existing visual character or <br /> quality of the site and its surroundings? <br /> <br />Less than significant <br /> <br />Approval of the proposed amendment to the Municipal Code to <br />establish a zoning ordinance for a Specific District would not <br />degrade the visual character of the City, in that the proposed <br />project would establish development standards to help minimize <br />potential visual impacts associated with the project. <br />Additionally, the architectural style will be designed to <br />complement the Downtown National Register District, and not <br />creating a "faux historic" appearance thereby meeting the <br />Secretary of the Interior's Standard Number Nine. The proposed <br />new structure will be designed to provide a beneficial visual <br />quality to the Downtown area. Additionally, the project will <br />include a courtyard area that will possess multiple amenities <br />such as seating, landscape, public art, and a water feature. <br />These amenities will add, rather than detract from, the visual <br />character and aesthetics of the downtown, <br /> <br />D. Create a new source of substantial light or glare, which <br />would adversely affect day or nighttime views in the area? <br /> <br />Less than significant <br /> <br />Major sources of light and glare in the project area will stem <br />from existing street lighting, The proposed proj ect will not <br />introduce substantial new lighting that will be discernable over <br />existing conditions. Parking and residential areas will have <br />interior lighting, and the parking entrance lighting will be <br />activated by the garage door opening. Glass on the exterior of <br />the proposed structure will be non-reflective. Up-lighting will <br />be utilized to highlight the historic ghost sign during evening <br />hours, but will not be on past 10:00 p.m. <br /> <br />II. AGRICULTURE <br /> <br />A. Convert Prime Farmland, Unique Farmland or Farmland of <br />Statewide Importance to non-agriculture use? <br />B. Conflict with existing zoning for agriculture use or a <br />Williamson Contract? <br />C. Involve other changes in the existing environment, which, <br />due to their location or nature, could individually or <br /> <br />75Cr.51 <br />