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<br />urbanized area, and the project will not be disturbing any <br />wetland site or existing City tree (Jacaranda), <br /> <br />IV. CULTURAL RESOURCES <br /> <br />A. Cause a substantial adverse change in the significance of a <br />historical resource as defined in Section 15064.51 <br /> <br />Less than significant with mitigation incorporated. <br /> <br />According to the Historic Resources Exhibit in the Santa Ana <br />General Plan Revised Draft Land Use Element, the building <br />immediately east of the subj ect site includes a historically <br />and culturally significant ghost sign that may be affected by <br />this project. Additionally, the subject site is located <br />within the Downtown National Register District, Impacts will <br />be mitigated by setting the upper levels of the building back <br />from the lower floors so as not to completely obscure the <br />historic ghost sign on the adjacent building's party wall. <br />That portion which will be obscured may be impacted negatively <br />over time due to it being obscured; however it has been <br />determined by special studies that current ambient conditions <br />will have a greater impact over time than if a structure is <br />built on the subject site. If left open to the elements, <br />sunlight and inclement weather will continue to cause the <br />historic sign to deteriorate at a greater pace that if it were <br />sheltered. That portion of the ghost sign that will not be <br />obscured will be highlighted for public view through <br />landscaping, a water feature, up-lighting, and an <br />interpretative sign that will offer photos and description of <br />the historic sign, The un-obscured portion of the historic <br />ghost sign is that area closest to the public right-of-way so <br />as to allow more persons the ability to see the resource. <br />Additionally, this portion of the sign is the most intact and <br />visually interesting, The entire historic sign will be fully <br />documented through a HABS survey. <br /> <br />Additionally, the proposed building will be compatible with <br />the Downtown National Register District in terms of massing <br />and scale, and will set itself apart from older development by <br />utilizing a more modern style of architecture and materials, <br />thereby meeting the Secretary of the Interior's Standard <br />Number Nine requiring new development to be differentiated <br />from old. Impacts will be mitigated to a less than <br />significant level through the measures noted above, and will <br />be further analyzed with the help of special studies by a <br />qualified architectural historian. <br /> <br />7 Ski,S4 <br />