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<br />A. Would the project increase the use of existing neighborhood <br />and regional parks or other recreational facilities such <br />that substantial physical deterioration of the facility <br />would occur or be accelerated? <br /> <br />Less than significant impact. <br /> <br />The proposed project will not result in a substantial or <br />significant increase in residents and employees in the area. <br />However, the project does propose an onsite courtyard at the <br />street level, and may be used for passive recreation. Since <br />this project is infill development, and is of a relatively small <br />scale, the project does not affect long term City goals for <br />recreational land uses. Impacts will be less than significant. <br /> <br />B. Does the project include recreational facilities or require <br />the construction or expansion of recreational facilities, <br />which might have an adverse physical effect on the <br />environment. <br /> <br />No Impact <br /> <br />A roof deck is proposed that will <br />recreational space for residents. No <br />occur as a result of these new recreation <br /> <br />allow for additional <br />adverse impacts would <br />facilities. <br /> <br />XIV. TRANSPORTATION/TRAFFIC <br /> <br />A. Cause an increase in traffic, which is substantial in <br />relation to the existing traffic load and capacity of the <br />street system? <br /> <br />B. Exceed, either individually or cumulatively, a level of <br />service standard established by the county congestion <br />management agency for designated roads or highways? <br /> <br />Less than significant impacts <br /> <br />It is projected that implementation of this proposed project <br />would result in an increase of 80 daily trips with a four A.M. <br />peak hour trips and seven P. M, peak hour trips, This is not <br />considered a substantial increase to existing traffic load and <br />capacity of the street system. <br /> <br />The Circulation Element of <br />minimum acceptable Level <br /> <br />the City of Santa Ana <br />of Service to be a "DH <br /> <br />states that <br />for major <br /> <br />75Cr.65 <br />