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<br />MITIGATION MONITORING PLAN <br /> <br />INTRODUCTION <br /> <br />Section 15097 of the California Environmental Quality Act (CEQA) Guidelines requires all <br />state and local agencies to establish monitoring or reporting plans for projects approved by <br />a public agency whenever approval involves the adoption of either a "mitigated negative <br />declaration" or specified environmental findings related to environmental impact reports. <br /> <br />The mitigation monitoring plan (MMP) contained herein is intended to satisfy the <br />requirements of CEQA as they relate to the Subsequent Initial Study/Mitigated Negative <br />Declaration (IS/MND) for the West End Loft Project/Specific Development 80 (SD80). This <br />MMP is intended for use by City staff to ensure compliance with mitigation measures <br />during project implementation. Mitigation measures identified in this MMP were identified in <br />the Subsequent IS/MND prepared for the proposed project. <br /> <br />The Subsequent IS/MND presents a detailed set of mitigation measures that will be <br />implemented throughout the lifetime of the project. Mitigation is defined by CEQA as a <br />measure which: <br /> <br />. Avoids the impact altogether by not taking a certain action or parts of an action. <br />. Minimizes impacts by limiting the degree or magnitude of the action and its <br />implementation. <br />. Rectifies the impact by repairing, rehabilitating, or restoring the impacted environment. <br />. Reduces or eliminates the impact over time by preservation and maintenance <br />operations during the life of the project. <br />. Compensates for the impact by replacing or providing substitute resources or <br />environments. <br /> <br />Note: Sections 21083 and 21087, Public Resources Code; Reference: Sections 21002, <br />21002.1, 21081, and 211 OO(c), Public Resources Code. <br />The intent of the MMP is to ensure the effective implementation and enforcement of <br />adopted mitigation measures and permit conditions. The MMP will provide for monitoring <br />of construction activities as necessary and in-the-field identification and resolution of <br />environmental concerns. <br /> <br />Compliance Checklist <br /> <br />City staff will coordinate monitoring and document the implementation of mitigation <br />measures. City staff will be responsible for fully understanding and effectively <br />implementing the mitigation measures contained within the MMP. Table 1 of this report <br />identifies the mitigation measure, the monitoring action for the mitigation measure, the <br />responsible party for the monitoring action, and timing of the monitoring action. <br /> <br />75c'rZO <br />